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我们上峰有指示,让他们闹去吧。We've instructions to lave them be.

偶尔,她也要占据一回上峰。Occasionally, she also wants to subjugate once last Feng.

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穿中高鞋的侧向反力的峰峰值最大,而前进方向上峰峰值最小。The peak to peak amplitude of forward GRF with media-heel shoe was minimal.

金深水将状况报告请示给上峰,革灵发电报给重庆。Gold deep water will status report to the higher authorities, spirit cabled Chongqing.

“上峰”怀疑以前一个低级研究项目与这次刺杀有关,而珀西也许能解开他们的忧虑。Oversight is concerned an old pet project may be to blame, and Percy might be able to allay their fears.

江一平被上峰骂了个狗血喷头,前线的国民党部队刚刚知道中计。Jiang Yiping was apt to scold a front of the Kuomintang troops pour out a torrent of abuse, just to know.

上帝与人类陷入一场永恒的战争,谁也不占上峰,但是他们相遇时却一直会引起改变。God and humans lock in an eternal struggle, neither prevailing, yet both forever changed by their encounter with one another.

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灵千幻见四喜已经上峰,暗示夜犬抓住机会去追九妹。Spirit thousand unreal see four xi has reference, suggesting that night the dog to take a chance to chase nine younger sister.

除去自私的念头占了上峰、得以表现之外,爱总要比恨来得容易,这正是人类本性之所在。It is to the credit of human nature, that, except where its selfishness is brought into play, it loves more readily than it hates.

不管怎么样,为什么美国需要在军事实力上占上峰呢?越南战争及塔利班已经是最好的例证军事实力并非取胜的关键。Why does America need to have a Superior Army anyway? The Viet cong and Taliban already prove that Superiority is not the key to victory.

陆建勋见此,恼羞成怒,一不做二不休,假造证据诬陷二月红是日本间谍,要将他交给上峰处置。Jian-xun lu at the sight of this, become angry from embarrassment, a don, February red framed false evidence is Japan spy, will give him to reference.

推闸限电非供电企业反在背荷上峰或许者紧迫状况上,保证体解安齐运行的一项从要办法。Electricity power limitation is an important measure to ensure safe operation of the system in the peak load power supply enterprise, or in a state of emergency.

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获得汪精卫即将外逃消息的陈天放将该消息密报上峰,并从特战部抽调一支精英以备不测。Wang Jingwei is about to get the news of Chen Tianfang will be on the flight message tip, and from the special operations department deployed an elite for emergencies.

军事评论家说,季度例会还是一个机会,为军政府下属官员集中首都对于上峰权威人士进行上贡活动联络、增进感情,以便保障未来提升希望。Critics of the military said the junta meeting was also a venue for subordinates to pass gifts to their superiors in the hope of currying favour and gaining promotions.

因为,这相当于创造了一个,旗鼓相当,永生的敌人,所以,上帝在与,这些学会反抗他的人类争斗时,占了上峰,利用他的优势,决定了人类必将死亡的命运。That would be tantamount to creating divine enemies, immortal enemies So God must maintain the upper hand in his struggle with these humans who have learned to defy him.

李银虎无意中听到李秀梅还守着清白的身子,他接到上峰命令要晚上回洛城整编部队,孙少勇在一旁看到孙银虎强吻了李秀梅。Li Yinhu overheard xiu-mei li still keep the body of innocence, he received a reference command to night back to Los Angeles BGF forces, Sun Shaoyong see Sun Yinhu strong lips xiu-mei li aside.

因为,这相当于创造了一个,旗鼓相当,永生的敌人,所以,上帝在与,这些学会反抗他的人类争斗时,占了上峰,利用他的优势,决定了人类必将死亡的命运。That would be tantamount to creating divine enemies, immortal enemies So God must maintain the upper hand in his struggle with these humans who have learned to defy him. And he maintains the upper hand in this, the fact that they eventually must die.