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你知道,我以前在这里呼风唤雨。You know, I used to walk tall around here.

朋友是风,朋友是雨,有了朋友可以呼风唤雨。Friend is the wind, rain, a friend's friend can influence.

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我也辉煌过,在单位前呼后拥,呼风唤雨。I have also been brilliant in the flat g summon wind and rain.

据说龙掌管着河流大海,能呼风唤雨。It is said to rule the rivers and seas and dominate the clouds and rains.

宝珠有神奇力量,可以呼风唤雨,随心所欲。Those pearls have supernatural power which can make your dreams cone true.

朋友是风,朋友是雨,有了朋友可以呼风唤雨。Friend is the wind, rain friend is a friend, can summon wind and call for rain.

因此,我将试着代其为之,解释一下在西方,暴君是如何做到呼风唤雨的。So I'm going to attempt to do it for her and explain how a tyrant can rule in the west.

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本地首席音乐剧总监陈慧玲将挥洒呼风唤雨的音符,湿润您的眼眶,酥化您的心灵。With Elaine Chan as Musical Director, this musical will wet your eyes and melt your heart.

克莱汤普森季前赛还呼风唤雨的呐。当汤普森手感冰凉的时候,对球队的影响是真的大。I mean Klay was dominating in the preseason. When Klay is ice cold though it really effects the team.

而在一个价值数十亿美元的市场上呼风唤雨,显然不算在内。As if being the most powerful person in a multibillion-dollar market wasn't, actually, that significant.

进化的过程让男人理解,如果他们越能呼风唤雨,也就越能吸引女性。Evolution has wired men to understand that the better they are at providing, the more appealing they are to women.

那么,全髋关节赛欧一,国家的最先进的职业学院的薄荷糖成功的音乐世界的推动者和呼风唤雨?So is Full Sail a hip, state-of-the-art professional academy that mints successful music-world movers and shakers?

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就算纾困计画稳定了市场,华尔街也不会重回昔日呼风唤雨、财源滚滚的作风。Even if the bailout stabilizes the markets, Wall Street won't go back to its freewheeling , profit-spinning ways of old.

郑家正在紧锣密鼓的准备喜事,郑维新是麻安县可以呼风唤雨的土皇上。Cheng wedding preparations are in full swing, Mr Edward Cheng Ma County can do anything they want is the land the emperor.

美特斯·邦威等国内外服装大牌在当今的市场上,为何能呼风唤雨、牛气十足?ZARA, H&M, USA · big nation prestige clothing at home and abroad, such as in today's market, full of why shakers, arrogant?

机构是一股能呼风唤雨,掀起波澜的势力,因此被称为庄家,或者主力。The institutions are the sole strength to summon wind and rain and make large waves. They are named market makers or mainstay.

她从1992年在香港开设“对比窗”画廊起家,逐渐成为中国艺术界一位呼风唤雨的风云人物。Starting the “contrast gallery ” in hongkong in 1992, she slowly became a central person in the development of the Chinese Art.

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当你站在神圣的奥斯卡颁奖台上,俯视台下那些在好莱坞呼风唤雨的导演、演员时,是怎样的一种心情?What did it feel like to sit at the holiest of places and look out upon all those faces, the great directors, the great actors?

她从1992年在香港开设“对比窗”画廊起家,逐渐成为中国艺术界一位呼风唤雨的风云人物。Starting the "contrast gallery " in hong kong in 1992, she slowly became a central person in the development of the Chinese Art.

这些昔日不起眼的肉类和奶制品企业已经成为不可一世的霸主,能够在巴拉圭的农业和牲畜领域呼风唤雨。What also used to be modest meat and dairy enterprises have grown into formidable agri-businesses dominating Paraguayan livestock farming.