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革命志士们推翻了政府。The revolutionaries toppled the government.

我在坎贝尔堡见到了这些爱国的美国志士。I met some of these patriotic Americans at Fort Campbell.

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我在坎贝尔堡见到了这些爱国的美国志士。I met some of those patriotic Americans at Fort Campbell.

年,古巴革命志士马提于哈瓦那出生。In1853, Cuban revolutionary Jose Marti was born in Havana.

武昌起义使很多热血志士首次经受革命的洗礼。Many revolutionary devotees were blooded in Wuchang Uprise.

我厂愿意与广大志士同仁共创辉煌!I plant with the noble-minded colleagues willing to create brilliant!

宋育仁是一位杰出的维新志士。Song Yuren was an outstanding person of ideals and integrity on reform.

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多少先辈志士,无畏抒壮举,青史留功绩。The number of ancestors patriots, fearless express feat legacy remain merit.

在过去的岁月中许多革命志士为祖国献出了生命。The revolutionaries sacrificed themselves to our country during the past years.

从德川时代开始,天主教已经见证了3,125名具名的日本志士。The Catholic church today recognises 3,125 Japanese martyrs from the Tokugawa era.

华尔街求贤若渴,在顶尖大学里疯狂搜罗博弈论和期权模型方面的能人志士。Wall Street ransacked the best universities for game theorists and options modellers.

的对此时此刻正在为而冒生命危险的英勇男女志士表示感谢。Our nation is grateful to the brave men and women who are taking risks on our behalf at this hour.

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因而,在我国龙凤指才能优异的人,龙虎比喻豪杰志士。Thus, in our dragon and phoenix means a person who can be excellent, Longhu metaphor hero Chester.

重庆解放前,敌人疯狂屠杀我革命志士。Before Chongqing is liberated, enemy insanity slaughters my revolution person of ideals and integrity.

男女志士们,为正义而战的普通斗士们,这座纪念碑也属于你们。To those men and women, to those foot soldiers for justice, know that this monument is yours, as well.

创建了联合国的男女志士都知道,和平不只是没有战争。The men and women who created the United Nations understood that peace is not simply the absence of war.

西格玛莱特机器有限公司是众多能人志士谋求共同发展的沃土。Selassie Malai Te machines Limited is amongst the hotshots Chester and seeking common development, the fertile soil.

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章在会上颂扬南明抗清志士,并呼吁江浙人士模仿他们8。Zhang Ming Joined Ming forces at the meeting praised patriots and called for Jiangsu and Zhejiang who imitate them 8.

看到有这么多中国的水墨画和书法界的名家志士相聚在新德里我感到尤其高兴。And it is especially pleasant to see so many renowned Chinese painting and calligraphy masters gathered here in New Delhi.

国民党为了巩固统治,建立了特种监狱,残酷迫害革命志士。In order to consolidate the rule of the Kuomintang established a special prison, the cruel persecution of revolutionaries.