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帝国主义的好战的统治阶级。The imperialist war-mongering ruling classes.

中国的统治阶级意识到了历史。China’s governing class has its eye on history.

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享乐主义在统治阶级中盛行。Hedonism became increasingly popular among the ruling class.

便不会有贵族统治阶级的新国家。There would be no ruling class of noblemen in the new nation.

猎狐实际上一直是统治阶级的运动。Fox-hunting had always been very much the sport of the ruling class.

可是统治阶级正拼命地抓住凯恩斯理论的片段不放。But the ruling classes are desperately grabbing bits of Keynesianism.

如果印度统治阶级阻止呢?你们如何应对?Q. If the ruling class of India obstructs this, how will you face it?

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1955年至1975年捷克斯洛伐克的统治阶级的魔毯座驾。A magic carpet ride for Czechoslovakia's ruling classes from 1955-1975.

中国封建时代统治阶级的文学艺术,就是这种东西。Such were the literature and art of the ruling class in China's feudal era.

我们还需要更多证据来说明西方统治阶级的衰落吗?What more proof do we need of the decadence of the Western governing class?

人民武装起义反对统治阶级,这并非不会发生。It is not improbable that the people will rise in arms against the ruling class.

云冈石窟是由皇帝和上层统治阶级直接负责开凿的,其规模宏大,东西绵延一公里。Constructed on a large scale and extend for about one kilometer from east to west.

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用Eagleton话说就是,耶稣向“统治阶级的堡垒”发起了攻击。In Eagleton's words, this was Christ's attack on the "bastion of the ruling class".

战争虽有胜负,但任何统治阶级都不能完全乱来。While wars could be won or lost, no ruling class could be completely irresponsible.

文章指责“开幕式表现的完全是统治阶级对希腊历史的看法。”"The ceremony echoed the view the ruling class takes of Greek history, " it complains.

当美国和欧盟都提到它是统治阶级在此背景下的资本主义。When the U. S. and E. U. are mentioned it is in context of this capitalist ruling class.

因为没有贵族阶级,社会不可能产生世袭制统治阶级。Because without the noble class, society system could not produce hereditary ruling class.

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他在反动统治阶级面前没有丝毫的奴颜与媚骨。He was free from all sycophancy or obsequiousness in the face of the reactionary ruling class.

金朝社会人口流动是统治阶级强制迁徙的结果。The nationality migration in Jin Dynasty was the result of compelling policy of the government.

布农没有世袭的统治阶级,只有由族人选出的终身职领袖。The Bunun leaders did not inherit their titles, but rather were elected by the village residents.