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真残忍。It's cruel.

被诅咒的人是残忍的。The cursed are cruel.

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这个女人真残忍!HOW cruel the woman is!

战争于许多人变得残忍。War brutalizes many men.

四月是最残忍的季节。April is the cruellest month.

但这样不人道,而且残忍。But that's inhuman and cruel.

火光映射出残忍的现场。Fires lit up a diabolic scene.

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残忍的或者无人性的杀害。To kill brutally or inhumanly.

让我为我残忍的命运垂泪。Let me weep over my cruel fate.

贫穷是一头残忍的野兽。Poverty is a cruel wild animal.

我们的皮肤苍白,眼神残忍?Our white skin, our fierce eyes?

这个世界黑暗。残忍。The world is dark and barbarity.

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限制自由比痛苦更加残忍。Confinement is crueler than pain.

用日光残忍的灼烧我的肌肤?The cruel daylights upon my skin?

他的残忍表明他的好话是虚伪的。His cruelty belied his kind words.

这就是大自然开的一个残忍玩笑。It is just a cruel joke of nature.

它天性还记仇,并且残忍。Vindictive too. Cruel. Her nature.

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他有些近乎极端地、残忍地诚实。He is extremely and brutally honest.

取笑瘸子是残忍的。It's cruel to make fun of a cripple.

逗弄瘸子是残忍的。It's cruel to make fun of a cripple.