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这是公正的。That is just.

你必须公正处事。You must playfair.

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但这是不公正的。But that was unfair.

我觉得这不公正。I think it's unjust.

这关乎司法公正。It is about justice.

我足够公正的猜测。Fair enough, I guess.

他非常公正。He's very fair-minded.

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让我们防止不公正的行为。Let us arm against injustice.

那么什么是公正的大学?So what is a just university?

这种非难似乎是不公正的。This reproach is unjustified.

他是公正的,富有怜悯心的。He's just. He's compassionate.

问题得到公正解决。The problem was fairly solved.

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但是不准确公正。But it is not exactly unbiased.

人民警察必须做到公正执法。Police must enforce law justly.

他们有否得到公正的审判?Have they been given fair trials?

仅仅一句表扬就是公正的评价了。Only a praise is a fair judgement.

我们能实现平等与公正。Yes wecan to justice and equality.

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他们的很多批评是不公正的。A lot of their criticism is unfair.

但是我必须实话实说,主持公正。But I have to be truthful and fair.

第一段倒也算公正。The first paragraph is fair enough.