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你想帮他个忙,他却说,他不喜欢求人。I hate asking favors of people.

求人帮忙实在叫他难于启齿。I'll find the people to help do it.

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我不喜欢求人帮忙。I hate asking some favours of people.

只有这一次,布朗先生开口求人了。For once, Mr Brown was asking for support.

凯瑟琳,你总是不求人啊。Catherine, you have always asked too little.

手心向下助人,手心向下求人。Helping palms down, palms down, ask for help.

记住,你是那个求人办事的人。Remember, you're the one asking for something.

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要考虑恳求和求人信。Consider pleading and imploringpeople into the faith.

自私了何必去求人原谅呢?别人不原谅你你难道能求得来吗?Sorry, would you please forgive me for my selfish behavior.

自尊心强的人,在任何情况下,不愿卑躬屈膝,求人帮助。People with pride will not go hat in hand under any circumstances.

屠夫因为老牛曾经求人饶命而勃然大怒。The butcher was furious that the cow had tried to beg for its life.

有了它,你再也不用为找不到强手求人了!With it, you no longer have to ask for help to find the gunmen had!

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请答贱方可否正在五夜外寄入产品纲录求人方参考?Can you send us a catalog of your products for reference in five days?

我有时就采取这种策略,打“全求人”,也能收到良好效果。Sometimes I take this strategy, called" the man", can also receive good effect.

只要留意手上够不够番,全求人也是一种很厉害的武器。As long as attention to hand enough time, the man is also a very powerful weapon.

自己能解决的事就不决求人,非求人时也决不求不诚信的人。What you can solve yourself don't ask for, not never when ask for dishonest people.

从他自己的悲惨的经历他就知道,那样的一拍对一个来求人帮忙的人来说是多么大的一个鼓励。He knew from bitter experience what courage it took to ask a favor from a fellow man.

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的确,新手由于不熟悉番种,经常会出现全求人的窘况。Indeed, the novice because not familiar with the time, often appear the ask predicament.

父亲是那种事事争先,事事不求人的人。My father who always tries to do everything best and doesn't ask anybody for everything.

他看着浴缸里诱人的热气,还有那杯简直好像求人品尝的红酒。He looked at the water steaming invitingly and the glass of wine just begging to be savoured.