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这是由柚木做的还是紫檀木做的?Is it made of teak or padauk?

这张柚木桌子的桌腿有凹槽纹饰。The teak table has fluted legs.

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柚木生长于缅甸、印度、泰国等季风雨林地区。Teak growing in monsoon forest in Burma, India and Thailand.

橡、山毛榉、桦、美国梧桐、槭、红木、柚木全都属于硬木。Oak, beech, birch, sycamore, maple, mahogany, and teak are all hardwoods.

采购产品木材,柚木,紫檀,木材,木材产品和厚木板。Lumber, Teak, Rosewood, Kwila, Merbau , Masawa, Timber, Timber Products and Plank.

柚木是一种对恶劣环境极具抵抗性的木才,非常适合作为户外建筑材料来使用。Teak is extremely resistant to the harsh elements, and is the ideal timber for outdoor use.

花费与柚木基本相同,但枫木更加耐用而且容易清洁。The cost is similar to that of teak, but the maple is more durable and easier to keep clean.

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这个20英尺的显示屏安装在泳池边的柚木柜子中的自动升降系统上。The 20ft screen is mounted to an automated lift system beneath a teak bench located poolside.

酒店内的每栋柚木别墅都有管家服务、一个私人泳池和一个观景亭。Each of its teak-paneled villas comes with butler service, a private infinity pool and a gazebo.

硬材有许多种,如乌木、各种桃花心木、枫树、柚木和美国黑胡桃木。Included in the category are ebony, various mahoganies , maple, teak, and American Black walnut.

楼层的地面可以采用水曲柳、柞木、柚木、杉木、白桦等底板。The ground floor can be used northeast China ash , oak wood, teak, pine, White Birch, etc. -bed.

索尔克研究所使用建材包括混凝土、柚木、铅、玻璃和钢材。The materials that make up the Salk Institute consist of concrete, teak, lead, glass, and steel.

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然后喝完杯中的香槟酒,他们下到舱房,关上了柚木门。Then finishing their champagne they disappeared down into the cabin. The teak door slammed shut.

我们求购适用于运动场的洋槐、柚木、一级洋槐和塑化木。We are going to buy Robinia, Teak or class 1 level of Robinia or plastic wood for playground use.

后院是混杂的破旧柚木家具,几块草地和一把拍动状的伞。The back yard was a mélange of decrepit teak furnishings, lumpy grass and a beat-looking umbrella.

后院是一个放杂物的地方,破旧的柚木家具,块状的碎玻璃,和可以作为打击物的伞。The back yard was a mélange of decrepit teak furnishings, lumpy grass and a beat-looking umbrella.

然后喝完杯中的香槟酒,他们下到舱房,关上了柚木门。Then, finishing their champagne, they disappeared down into the cabin. The teak door slammed shut.

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华丽雕刻的柚木房子整齐地排列在狭窄的街道上,街道掩映在现代大厦的阴影之中。Narrow streets lined with ornately carved teak houses lie in the shadow of contemporary skyscrapers.

我公司主要经营缅甸原木、老红木、柚木原木、红酸枝和紫檀等木材。Our company mainly engaged in Myanmar's timber, old mahogany, teak wood, red wood and engraved wood.

在内部,它使用再生柚木和红木,和一个屏幕,可以让空气进来,但大厦的太阳。Inside, it uses reclaimed teak and redwood, and a screen that allows air to come in but blocks the sun.