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用于制造经纬仪等设备以提高精度减少成本。It is used for mfg. transit to raise precision and lower cost.

大地经纬仪的度盘直径一般为140毫米。Geodetic theodolites generally have circles of about 140mm diameter.

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电子经纬仪采用了动态测角系统。Dynamic angle measuring system has been employed in electronic theodolites.

这个方法也适合于一般具有竖盘符合水准器的经纬仪。This method is also suitable for the theodolite with a contract index level.

当你通过经纬仪看到行星,其轨道应该在你的视线中。When you see a planet by a transit, the orbit has to be in your line of sight.

并估算了水准仪、经纬仪测滩结果的误差范围。And the error ranges of the measurements with theodolite and level are evaluated.

对光电经纬仪外场星校方法进行了研究。The methods of optical-eletronic theodolite calibration in the range were studied.

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这套显示字符发生器已应用在几种型号的经纬仪电视跟踪系统中。Now it's working in several types of the photoelectric theodolite TV tracing systems.

至今为止,科学家利用转镜经纬仪已经发现或证实了100余颗外部行星的存在。Transits have yielded the discovery or confirmation of more than 100 planets to date.

测量传感器切换的问题是经纬仪控制系统研制中的关键间题。The switchover of survey sensors in the control system of theodolite is very important.

GJ-341小型遥控光电经纬仪的测量精度问题长期以来困扰研制单位和使用单位。The problem of the measuring accuracy puzzles the manufacturer and user for a long time.

亚茨拉斐尔说着把自行车扶正,前车筐里的各种零碎撒了一地,天使指了指摔坏的经纬仪。Various things clattered out of its front basket. He pointed to the battered theodolite.

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本文旨在叙述778光电经纬仪的标校方法及其标校精度。The article describes the abjusting method and accuracy of 778 photoelectrical theodolite.

传统的经纬仪计量检测设备存在诸多缺点。The traditional metrological verification instrument for theodolite has many disadvantages.

本文对其在电子水准仪、电子经纬仪和GPS上的应用进行了较为深入的探讨。This paper deeply discusses its applications in electronic level, electronic transit and GPS.

该系统由多台经纬仪、数字摄像机、时间同步控制器及数据处理终端组成。The system is made up of theodolites, cameras, computers and time synchronization control systems.

该方法可用于地面电影经纬仪或雷达对飞行目标的自动限综。We can apply this method to filming theodolite or radar for auto- matic tracking of the flying target.

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本文详细介绍了经纬仪测绘法中碎部点三维坐标的计算器求算方法及其展刺技巧。This paper expounds the calculating ways with calculators for3-Dimension coordinates of unknown points.

最后,总结J_6级光学经纬仪读数的光学系统调整的一般步骤。Finally, the paper gives general steps for adjusting the reading optical system of J6 optical theodolite.

给出了用多台光电经纬仪进行交会测量获取空中目标弹道轨迹的一种方法。A data processing method is given for trajectory measurement by multiphotoelectric theodolites intersection.