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对凯瑟林来说单练好还是团练好?Q. Which is better with Catherine, solo or group?

所有比赛事宜及团练会在此版公告。Any competitions and trainings will be announced in this board.

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战争结束后,团练转化为维护地方秩序的力量。After the war, civil corps turned to the force maintaining regional order there.

又因为盗匪问题,地方团练反而得以发展。The local military power also developed on account of bandit problems at that time.

李骘,官至江南西道都团练、观察、处置等使。诗五首。Lee stallion, the official militia of Jiangnan West Road, are observed, disposal so. Five Poems.

在朝野上下的营救下,苏轼被贬黄州团练副使,开始了长达5年的贬谪生涯。In the government rescue, Su Shi was demoted to Huangzhou militia Fushi, began his 5 year career relegation.

平白莲教的时候,湖北一省就拉起了三十万团练。Without whichever cause at the time that lotus taught, one province in Hubei dragged have 300,000 regiments do.

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绅士通过团练组织,扩大团练的社会功能,由幕后走向了前台,成为乡村控制的主体。The gentry who secretly moves towards the onstage becomes the main body of the village control through the militia.

团练大臣是19世纪中期中国传统双重统治格局受到重大挑战和清廷调整统治结构、重建统治秩序过程中的产物。In the middle-term of the 19th century, the traditional dual-regnant structure of Qing Dynasty faced great challenge.

不惟如此,在历次反抗西方列强入侵的战争中,我们也不难看到山东团练奔向狼烟的身影,功不可没。What's more, Shandong Tuan's lien played an important historical role in the fights against invasions of the west big powers.

正龙三人虽逃出火场,但由于警察指暴动是团练所为,所以宝芝林众人均被通缉。Is the dragon three escaped the fire, but because though TuanLian riot police refers to do is, so treasure zhi forest they are wanted.

第三次乃戊戌变法和义和团运动期间所兴起,充分发挥了团练的“御外”与“靖内”功能。The third time was for Wuxu Putsch and the Boxre and it fully played two functions— "resisting the outside" and "pacifying the inner side".

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另一方面,更多的普通民众,为了躲避战乱,免受兵燹之苦,在地方士绅的带领下,纷纷组织团练,以此保卫桑梓。On the other hand, more ordinary people organized civil corps under the leadership of local gentry in order to avoid war and defend their hometown.

省级官员主要是组织山东地方兵、勇防剿捻军,而地方基层官员主要是组织团练,加强地方防御。Officials at the provincial level mainly organized Shandong army to suppress the Nien and grass-roots officials mainly organized local civil corps to strengthen defense.