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她的弟媳,买了一篮苹果。Her sister-in-law bought a basketful of apples.

然后我弟媳开口问了那个可怕的问题。Then my sister-in-law asked the dreaded question.

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很难相信现在自己有了个弟媳。It is hard to believe that I now have a sister-in-law.

在这个旁边住着她们的弟弟比尔和弟媳克里奥。Next to her lived their brother, Bill, and his wife Cleo.

他说,他将带上他的兄弟,弟媳,和侄女一同前往。He said he would take his brother, brother-in-law and niece.

你和你父亲的姐姐的弟媳是啥关系?What relation would your father's sister's sister-in-law be to you?

她还说,自己的弟弟和弟媳、以及一个侄子都在地震中遇难。She said she lost a brother and his wife and a nephew in the disaster.

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弟媳确定甘索会来米兰内洛投奔他。Milan's Thiago Silva is certain that Ganso wants to come to join him at Milanello.

弟媳接受了人们把他当做马队的接班人。Thiago Silva accepts he is the successor at AC Milan to club legend Paolo Maldini.

弟媳很自信,炎天甘索希望加盟的是米兰。THIAGO SILVA is very confident that Paulo Henrique Ganso wishes a summer move to Milan.

一天他在花园散步时,偶然看到他的弟媳在用水彩作画。Wandering in the garden one day, he chanced upon his sister-in-law sketching with watercolors.

一天他在花园散步时,偶然看到他的弟媳在用水彩作画。Wandering gin the garden one day, he chanced upon his sister-in-law sketching with watercolors.

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她拍拍弟媳隆起的肚子,说,“月底我还会来。Patting her sister-in-law on her swollen belly, she said," I'll be back at the end of the month.

那天出席的还有我的妻子,父母,弟弟和弟媳以及他们三个孩子中的两个。With us that day were my wife, my parents, my brother and his wife, and two of their three children.

随后,黄又提刀将何某某的干姐及弟媳杀害后逃离。Later, Huang also mentioned knife will Hemeimei stem sister and sister-in-law fled after the killing.

多年前,我的一位表弟媳被非人干扰,当时我有请求您来帮助她。Many years ago, my cousin-in-law was tangled by a negative energy and I requested for your helping with her.

我弟媳有点尴尬地笑出声,弯下腰把她那个扁着小嘴,似乎要哭的儿子抱起来,放到她大腿上。My sister-in-law gave an embarrassed laugh, then scooped up her barely weeping son and plopped him in her lap.

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我们的收割队伍包括我的两个兄弟,我的父亲,母亲,妻子,弟媳,女婿,女儿和三个侄子。Our harvest crew includes my two brothers, my dad, mom, wife, sisters-in-law, son-in-law, daughter, and three nephews.

警方没有透露这位陈尸家中的老妇的姓名,但是我们可以知道,她是自己独自居住,除了一个弟媳以外没有其他亲人,Dzevlan说。The woman, whose name was not released by police, was a recluse who had no relatives except for her sister-in-law, Dzevlan said.

后防大将蒂亚戈席尔瓦受伤让米兰防线更加吃紧,但阿莱格里表示弟媳是否能上场还取决于明天的检查。Thiago Silva sustained a leg injury at the weekend, but Allegri said the defender could feature, but that depends on further tests.