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因为洪水地上全湿了。The ground is the flood.

接着,一场持续40天的洪水爆发。Then a 40-day flood hits.

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洪水淹没了那座城市。Flood overwhelmed the city.

洪水损坏了大坝。The flood weakened the dam.

更多人在洪水中淹死.More people drown in floods.

先是涓涓细流,接下来是滔滔洪水。First a trickle, then a flood.

洪水冲坏了道路。The flood washed out the road.

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洪水冲坍了那座堤坝。The floods caved in that dike.

洪水冲坍了那堵墙。The floods caved in that wall.

洪水升高了,像茫茫的海洋。The water moved up like a sea.

那旷日的旱热和洪水的漫延。Of Droughts and flooding rains.

堤坝在洪水中屹立不动。The dike held during the flood.

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在襄阳,四处都是洪水。There were floods in Xiangyang.

洪水冲垮了堤坝。The flood waters burst the dyke.

洪水淹了那个村子。The flood submerged that village.

洪水冲坏了公路。The flood washed out the highway.

巴沙尔之后,洪水滔天。After Bashar al-Assad, the deluge.

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洪水奔腾澎湃漫过溪谷。The floods surged over the valley.

该市镇已被洪水淹没。The town was overwhelmed by flood.

我不想洪水您的收件箱。I don't want to flood your inboxes.