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卢克索是有点当你起步之处。Luxor is kinda where you start from.

贫民窟之游在肯尼亚正处于起步阶段。Slum tourism is taking off in Kenya.

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因特网是一个起步的好去处。The Internet is a good place to start.

作为一名运动员,辛格起步已晚。As an athlete, Singh was a late starter.

但这个国家就是这样起步的,而且But that's how this country started, and

现在在刚起步的网络公司下赌注的人会自食其果。So some bets on start-ups now will pay off.

是的,但它已经全面起步了,有大量的工作要做。Yeah, but it's all starting, a lot of work.

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散完步后,我坐到起步处的一张长椅上。At the end, I sat on a bench where I started.

他轻轻一抖缰绳,马儿就起步了。He jogged the reins and the horse started up.

今天登上领奖台的关键是起步。The key to getting on the podium was the start.

也有一些刚刚起步的学员。And we have people who are just learning how to.

然而不管怎么说,他是帮助我起步的人。Nevertheless, he is the one that got me started.

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我公司成立于2011年,是一家新起步的公司!I was founded in 2011, is a new start-up company!

让婴儿的安全健康问题从安全起步奶瓶开始。Meet the Safe Starter baby bottle from Kid Basix.

这个我才刚刚起步,是我自己的服装品牌。which I'm trying to start, my own clothing label.

该计划的起步阶段一帆风顺。The early phases of the plan worked magnificently.

我军远程医疗起步较晚,但发展较快。Our tele-medicine start late, but it develops fast.

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狗屎运的是我们起步都很好,我能按照自己节奏跑。Luckily we had a good start and I could run my pace.

一开始先从20-30分钟的温和锻炼起步。Start with a 20-30 minute light to moderate workout.

沙尼起步很慢,但在最后一圈中突飞猛进。Shani started out slow but dug deep on his final lap.