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跟我套近乎旳麻烦你请绕道。Follow me. Trouble you please bypass.

哪个家伙总想和珍妮套近乎。The guy always wants to make out with Jenny.

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要友善,但不要过度随便或套近乎。Be friendly, but not overly casual or familiar.

双鱼座的人——不习惯主动跟别人套近乎。Pisces people -- not used to active with someone else.

琳达千万百计的和芝加哥的大人物们套近乎。Linda is trying to cultivate all the big shots in Chicago.

我看到你和财务部的经理套近乎。I saw you schmoozing the manager of the accounts department.

林婴婴主动套近乎,腾村邀请林婴婴喝茶。Teng Lin Ying infant initiative, village invite Lin Ying baby tea.

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演讲结束之后,我走下讲台,与群众套近乎。After the speeches, I got off the stage and began working the crowd.

这些人爱钱,只要你装作很有钱的样子,他们就会和你套近乎。They love money, so just pretend like you own a goldmine and you are in the club.

詹姆命令下马,并且告诉他的兵如果愿意的话可以跟布雷肯的士兵套套近乎。Jaime gave the order to dismount and told his men that they might mingle if they liked.

米歇尔•奥巴马拒绝成为政治秀场的玩偶,也不愿意与华盛顿的精英们套近乎。Michelle Obama refuses to be a political show pony or schmooze with Washington's elite.

只要你装得很有钱的样子他们就会跟你套近乎。Remember, they love money, so just pretend like you own a goldmine and you’re in the club.

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只要你装得很有钱的样女他们便会跟你套近乎。Remember, they love money, so just pretend like you own a goldmine and you"re in the club."

他们爱财。只要你装得很有钱的样子他们就会跟你套近乎。Remember, they love Soney . S o just pretend like you own a goldmine and you're in the club.

如果你想能确保公司赚到钱,你就得多和客户套套近乎。If you want to make sure your firm gets the money, you should grease some wheels with the client.

此外,在尝试和学长们套近乎的过程中,有时新生可能会遭遇冷眼。Besides, sometimes freshmen may be met with cold shoulders when they try to approach upperclassmen.

微软已否认其与杰利夫套近乎是种卑鄙或下流的手段。But Microsoft has rejected suggestions it was being sneaky or underhanded by approaching Mr Jelliffe.

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如果是这样的花,也许他认为自己在摆“酷”在通过某个方法和年轻的同事们“套近乎“。If so, it's possible he thinks he's being "cool" and somehow "connecting" with his younger colleagues.

最后但也是很重要的一点。陶和以前一样和上海粉丝套近乎,不过他的上海话更流利也更帖心了。The last but not least, as before, he got close to SH fans and his SH dialect sounded more fluent and sweeter.

如果你在酒吧或者俱乐部里要和什么人套近乎,你应该会选择能够吸引你的人。If you are in a bar or a club and you are going to approach someone, you’ll approach someone you’re attracted to.