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两者之间的关系是同名。The relation between the two is homonymy.

2006年,泰勒发行了第一张个人同名专辑。Her self-titled debut was released in 2006.

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有一个同名的非古巴的品牌。There is a non-Cuban brand with the same name.

这部电影是根据同名故事拍摄的。This film was made based on the homonymy novel.

“上帝,我准备好了,”他在这首同名主打歌中唱道。"I'm ready my Lord, " he offers in the title track.

大部分游客慕名去了同名的中区寺庙。Most visitors make for the eponymous central temple.

这会自动地创建一个同名的规则。This automatically creates a rule with the same name.

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她几年前发布了一张同名的CD专集。She released her self-titled debut CD a few years ago.

本文是对同名文章的修改稿。This is a revised version to the paper with same title.

劳利还有一个姐姐,与母亲同名。Laurie had an older sister who shared her mother's name.

同名电影的官方手机版游戏。Official mobile game on a new domestic film-blockbaster.

这是同名系列小说首部曲的电影版。The film is based on the first three books in the series.

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诸如此类的同名城市世界上还有许多。There are many other same-name cities all over the world.

给他取名为法尔考,与巴西传奇同名。He named him Falcão, in honour of the legendary Brazilian.

和他同名的苹果,福勒苹果,至今仍有种植。His namesake apple, the Fowler apple, is still cultivated.

本文是对作者编写的同名文章的第二修改稿。This is second revised version to a paper with same title.

地拉那坐落在和她同名的区域。Tirana is located at in the eponymous district and county.

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影片改编自温斯顿·格鲁姆的同名小说。Film adapt Winston · novel of the same name of Groom since.

同名小说由著名编剧王志军著。The novel of the same name by the famous writer Wang Zhijun.

上人人网,结识同名同姓人。Everyone on the network, the same name to get to know people.