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他不能动弹。He cannot move.

我动弹不了了。I could not move.

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我的汽车陷在泥里不能动弹。My car was stuck in the mud.

我们在市区里动弹不得。We are stuck in the city traffic.

他把我死死的按在墙上,让我动弹不得。He put me back on the wall, let me move.

我总是卡在尖峰时间的车阵里,动弹不得。I always get stuck in rush hour traffic.

我总是卡在尖峰年华的车阵里,动弹不得。I always get stuck in rush hour traffic.

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生理上,我残喘着直到不能再动弹。Physically, I puked until I couldn't move.

她被人用黄尼龙绳子捆得动弹不得。She was trussed up with yellow nylon rope.

轮子着陆了,没人动弹。The wheels touched the ground. Nobody moved.

车里太挤,动弹不得。The bus was so crowded that nobody could move.

我一看见祂,便不由自主地仆倒在祂脚前,不能动弹,像死人一样。And when I saw him, I fell at his feet as dead.

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我因电梯故障二十分钟而动弹不得。I got stuck in the elevator for twenty minutes.

老唐的脚卡在了监狱栅栏上,动弹不得。Old Tang's feet were stuck in the prison fence.

恐惧心理把我局限在狭窄的安乐窝里动弹不得。This fear confined me to a narrow comfort zone.

一整夜我们都挤在火车车箱里动弹不得。We were boxed up all night in a railway carriage.

我觉得当时我有900磅重了,我无法动弹。I felt like I weighed 900 pounds. I couldn't move.

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他们抓住了不能动弹的杰克,把他拖进了门里。They grab the immobilized Jack and drag him inside.

他的一条腿悬在空中,使他动弹不得。His one leg was up in the air and he could not move.

一阵挣扎后,中刀女子不再动弹。After a struggle, knife in the women's no longer move.