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林肯射杀了舒特。Lincoln shoots Sooter.

数人在葬礼上被射杀。Several were shot at funerals.

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他为了自卫射杀了那个人。He shot the man in self-defence.

猎手射杀了那头大象。The hunter destroyed the elephant.

两个星期后,Steadman被射杀。Two weeks later, Steadman’s shot dead.

维克多果断地开枪射杀了尼古拉。Without flinching Victor shoots Nikola.

亚历克西斯走近凯文,射杀了他。Alexis approaches Carroll and shoots him.

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达博的家人说,他在床上被射杀。Dabo's family say he was shot in his bed.

Warner医生则被一位悲愤的母亲射杀了。Dr. Warner was shot by a grieving mother.

我甚至不怨恨射杀我的塔利班成员。I do not even hate the Talib who shot me.

玩家必须射杀那些丧尸。Player must shoot the attackers of zombi.

就是如何射杀某个攻击你的人。Is how to shoot at someone who outdrew you.

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她独自射杀了一只100公斤的黑熊!She shot and killed a 100kg bear by herself!

猎人正在开枪射杀这些野雁。Hunters are shooting their guns at the geese.

知道非洲有人射杀猴子吗。You know that people in Africa shoot monkeys.

因为欧伦的失败,她叫欧伦的司机射杀了他。She has Oren's driver shoot him for his failure.

土著用毒箭射杀大猎物。The natives use poisoned arrows to kill big game.

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他这边放下了维克多,那边安德烈还是射杀了迪沙佛。As he releases Victor, Andre shoots DeSalvo anyway.

的,尤指射杀后当食用的鸟类和动物。Birds and animal which are hunted, especially for food.

有些人说诺特并没有被射杀,但索特说他射杀了诺特。Some say Nott was not shot. But Shott says he shot Nott.