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展品的品名,机器型号,数量,及单价。Exact name of item, Model of machine, quantity, unit price.

注明品名、净重、含量、批号、厂名等。Marking commodity, gross weight, net weight and company name.

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“调查对象品名请参照别纸”用英语怎么表达呢?Please refer to other paper for inquiring the objection names.

例如,一家超市销售是品名,但是它也可以同时销售服装、电。For example, a supermarket sells food, but it may also sell clothes.

设计师只保有其品名和少数许可。The designer could be left only with his name and a handful of licenses.

品名源自坦洋时间在红茶开展史上的重要位置及其具大家闺秀质量的特点。The name comes from the important status of Panyong Congou in the development history of black tea.

禁止以非危险品品名托运危险品。The consigning of dangerous articles for shipment under the name of non-dangerous articles is prohibited.

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发票上的商品名称必须与信用证上的品名相一致。The description of the goods in the commercial invoice must correspond with the description in the credit.

如果你对我公司的产品很感兴趣,请您将所关心的产品品名及您的要求以邮件方式发送至我司邮箱,谢谢!If you are interested in our products, please inform us the item numbers and your request byE-mail, thanks!

工会应设置固定资产明细账,按类别、品名进行明细核算。Second, trade unions should be set up in fixed assets breakdown, by category, name for details of accounting.

危险品品名由国务院民用航空主管部门规定并公布。The names of dangerous articles shall be prescribed and published by the competent civil aviation authority under the State Council.

装箱单一式四份,注明货物品名、数量、规格型号、单价、毛重、净重、包装编号。Packing list in quadruplicate, stating commodity name, quantity, specification, unit price, gross weight, net weight, packing number.

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卖方应在合同规定的装运日期前30天,以电报电传传真通知买方合同号、品名、数量、金额、包装件、毛重、尺码及装运港可装日期,以便买方安排租船订舱。The sellers shall , 30 days before the shipment date specified in the contract advise the buyers by CABLE TELEX FAX of the contract No.

简述了研发同里红清爽型功能黄酒,对品名的构思,来源和依据。The investigation of Tonglihong, a soft flavor style rice wine, as well as the idea, origin and basis of the brand names are briefly introduced.

因发货人申报品名错误、虚假而影响清关或产生扣关现象的我司将不负责。Pure pass in influence or creations button up the phenomenal our company in pass will be irresponsible due to the product name mistake, deceitful.

负责备件记录表的更新,新备件的品名更新以及根据相关生产工程师的要求更新最低库存数量。Responsible f the spare parts recd sheet, the new spare parts set up the minimum stock quantity based on the infmation related production engineers.

不过,与概念不配合的来源国并不会像中性描述品名对品牌权益具有稀释效果。However, the country of origin effects of those unfitting product concepts did not lead to brand dilution like the brand name of neutral descriptive.

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如果你有购买商品的意图,你可以寄送一份详细的询盘,包括商品品名、数量和其他特殊的条款。If you have the intention of buying the goods you can send a specific enquiry including the name of article and quantity and other particulars as well.

国铁通常按去向、品名享有价格优惠,合资铁路则按区域制定运价政策。State-owned lines enjoy competitive prices according to goods and delivering destination. While co-financed lines are charged according to zone pricing.

支出原因为用于制造药品者,并应载明生产制剂之品名、批号及制造同意书编号。If the decrease of stocks derives from manufacturing drugs, the names, batch number and the number of the permit for manufacturing of the manufactured drugs.