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只是为了取乐。Just for the fun of it.

有些人以干荒唐事取乐。Some amuse themselves in folly.

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每个五月清晨,就为你取乐For thy delight each May-morning

为了取乐,我们奉承低头。Yet for disport we fawn and flatter both.

哈瑞拉狗尾巴取乐。Harry delighted in pulling the dog's tail.

在纽约,不可以把皮球扔到路人的脑袋上取乐。Throw a ball at someone's head for fun in New York.

正是因为这些作用,它经常被用来取乐。It is most often used recreationally for this effect.

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老师对我们大吼大叫只是要在班上耍人取乐罢了…The teacher yelled at us for goofing around in class.

老师对我们大吼大叫只是要在班上耍人取乐罢了。The teacher yelled at us for goofing around in class.

你怎么能为杀死动物取乐的行为辩护呢?How can you defend the killing of animals for pleasure?

男孩们从楼梯扶手滑下以取乐。The boys amused themselves by sliding down the banister.

滑稽的赛跑者将太阳镜戴在枪上取乐。The funny runner put the sun-glasses on the gun for fun.

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兹推荐申请人获取乐行童军奖章。I hereby recommend the applicant for The Rover Scout Award.

昨天我取乐在湖因为外很热。Yesterday I went to the lake because it was very hot outside.

但其他学生常常在击剑课上把他砍倒来取乐。But other students often felled him at the fence class for fun.

也有全家来玩的,野餐,或以其他方式一起取乐。Families come too, to have picnics or have fun together in other ways.

自古以来人们为了取乐就将身边的东西踢来踢去。People have been kicking objects around for fun since time immemorial.

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尽管天气寒冷,但当地居民已经学会适应并从中取乐。Local residents have learned to adapt and have fun despite the cold weather.

营地中,男人们拨起reba-bas唱着叙事的歌互相取乐。In camp, the men plucked their reba-bas and sang stories to amuse each other.

真正的傻瓜,诸神用来取乐或取笑的傻瓜,是那些没有自知之名的人。The real fool, such as the gods mock or mar, is he who does not know himself.