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也愿所有我们痛失的、与你同病相怜的灵魂安息。And all those souls we have lost before you.

而与曼联同病相怜的,西甲的巴塞罗那境况又如何呢?And what about Manchester United’s La Liga double Barcelona?

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也愿所有我们痛失的、与你同病相怜的灵魂安息。And all those souls we have lost before you. The Power of Addiction

我们都是同病相怜的人,都在同一班火车上,感受着同样的孤独和寂寞。We're all in this together. All on the same train. Alone and isolated.

简和伊丽莎白都感到很不自在,两人同病相怜。Both Jane and Elizabeth felt uncomfortable, and sympathized with each other.

找出其他曾经和你同病相怜的人,向他们寻求帮助。Seek out others who were once in your current situation. Ask for their help.

大宗商品例如铜最近也连续收到打击,同病相怜的还有金融股。Commodities such as copper have also been battered recently, as have financial stocks.

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除了一般的同病相怜之外,公众的道德价值观完全是建立在人的意识之上的。Outside of a general compassion for fellow peers, moral values are based entirely on opinion.

艾米·怀恩豪斯,愿你安息。也愿所有我们痛失的、与你同病相怜的灵魂安息。Rest in peace Amy Winehouse. And all those souls we have lost before you.The Power of Addiction

动物还在,而对它们以及同病相怜的我们来说,得到食物已经更容易了。The animals are still there, but for them – as for us, and for the same reason – eating has got easier.

日本储户早就体会到这种空虚的感觉了,现在西方人正在和他们同病相怜。It will be little consolation to Westerners that savers in Japan have known this empty feeling for far longer.

我记得当时还加了一个‘中石油46块钱买进’的QQ群,群里一片谩骂啊,大家都是同病相怜。"I remember when adding a 'petrochina 46 dollars to buy" QQ group, group in a cussing ah, everyone is in the same boat.

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西班牙国债被降级了,和葡萄牙、希腊同病相怜,恐怕意大利也要面临坏账的拍卖。Spain’s debt was downgraded, along with Portugal’s and Greece’s, and Italy came worryingly close to a failed debt auction.

贝克汉姆和欧文现在可谓是同病相怜,俩人都因为伤病而无缘代表英格兰出征世界杯。David Beckham and Michael Owen are fellow sufferers as both are ruled out of England's squad for the World Cup finals by injuries.

一些病人还知道她的一些情况,知道她是我从一个抛弃她的家庭里救出来的,并且我认为他们跟她会有一种同病相怜的感觉。Some patients also know her background—that I rescued her from a family that had abused her—and I think they can identify with her for that reason.

和同病相怜的同事们一起发发牢骚可以让你感觉好一点,不过在大部分人都表示不满的时候保持一个积极的态度,这会帮助你脱颍而出。It can feel good to commiserate with co-workers, but maintaining a positive attitude at a time when most people are disgruntled will help you stand out.

老实说,我已经在这条道儿上努力奋斗了相当长时间,并且呢,还将继续努力奋斗下去。我也想帮帮那些跟我同病相怜的人儿们。This is something I've been working through for quite a while and still continue to work through and I want to help others that are in the same situation.

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同病相怜的处境和核合作带来的巨大利益驱使俄伊两国以核合作为纽带稳步发展双边关系。Thus, Russia and Iran, feeling kinship to each other, prompted by the great interest, tried to boost their bilateral ties on the basis of nuclear cooperation.

这项研究得到的一项结果令人振奋,由于同病相怜,这些帕金森氏症患者在网上社区形成了关系紧密的小团体。One exciting outcome of the study was that participants formed tight-knit groups in the online community based on their common experience with Parkinson's disease.

要自我安慰一下,告诉自己每天有很多人和你同病相怜,同时相信自己会挺过去的,相信你会因为经历了这段感情而更加成熟。Take some comfort in the thought that thousands of people are in the same boat with you every day, and you will live through it and you will be a better person for having done so.