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我们划着船顺流而下。We rowed down the river.

他乘木筏顺流而下。He rafted down the stream.

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鲑鳟鱼斜向地顺流而下。The trout angled downstream.

独木舟顺流而下。The canoe floated downstream.

来吧,我们同行,顺流而下。Come, let us go down together.

小船顺流而下。The boat sailed down the river.

木筏沿河顺流而下。The raft is rolling down the river.

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只有死鱼才顺流而下。Only dead fish swim with the stream.

他们沿刚果河顺流而下。They travelled down the River Congo.

我们的小船慢慢随潮顺流而下。Our boat gently dropped down with the tide.

回来的时候,我们让小舟顺流而下。On our way back we let the boat glide down the river.

原木顺流而下漂向锯木厂。The logs were drifted down the stream to the saw-mills.

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时间是流淌的河川,幸福属于顺流而下者。Time is flowing rivers, happiness belongs to the people.

灾难的第一迹象是一只死羊顺流而下,接着一匹活马勇敢地与水搏击。The first sign of disaster was a dead sheep floating down.

假如我正穿过长江峡口顺流而下。If I am coming down through the narrows of the river Kiang.

时间顺流而下,生活逆水行舟。Time flows with the current, life sails against the current.

各色各状造型的“蛟龙”如箭离弦,顺流而下,欲争群。Rows of dragons pull downstream, each striving to take the lead.

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接下来的路更像是一条河,轻柔地拉着我顺流而下。And the road ran more like a river, gently tugging me downstream.

这里看不到冰雪的迹象,只有融化的雪水裹挟着泥沙顺流而下。There's no sign of ice, just a river roiling with silt-laden melt.

是灰熊爪子的猛击让摄象机移位了,然后把它丢让它顺流而下了吗?Grizzly bear paw whacks camera out of position and jettisons it downstream?