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小儿子往往有了意中人而不能结婚。Younger sons cannot marry where they like.

现在你还是个孩子,还只为自己的意中人操心哪。You’re just a child and bothered about your beaux.

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高中时代,你是我的意中人,一直到。You were my high school sweetheart , And still are.

所以最终你知道或许你可以闻出你的意中人。So eventually you know maybe you can sniff the right man out.

约翰•麦肯锡,奥巴马的对手,几乎不可能会是持枪游说集团的意中人。John McCain, Mr Obama's opponent, is hardly the gun lobby's darling.

离婚的人可以从很多潜在的伴侣中选择自己的意中人。There are now many potential partners for divorced people to choose from.

单身是为找到意中人的一段等待期。Singleness is meant to be a “waiting period” for finding the right person.

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举头望皓月,凝思意中人。若得尔陪伴,一生终无憾!Wang cited the first Haoyue, Ningsi matches. If a Seoul company, Wuhan end his life!

一项调查发现,与长相相比,女性在寻找意中人时显然更看重对方的身高。Height is apparently more important than looks to women looking for Mr Right, a survey claims.

我们的孩子也都找到了他们的意中人,眉目传情依然继续着。Our children's eyes have now captured the eyes of their mates and the cycle of sight continues.

他也认真地刻画了保尔•柯察金这位英雄的意中人。Meantime, the novel’s author earnestly depicted also the lover in the hero, Pal·Kuchajin’s heart.

我的意中人是个盖世英雄,有一天他会踩着起色云彩来娶我。The lover in my mind is a super hero, he will come to marry me stepping on colorful clouds one day.

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但是,如果仍然没有真正的意中人,我宁愿将成家的日期推迟到2009!But, if there is still no real idea middleman, I will become the date of house to postpone rather 2009!

今天是四年一遇的2月29日,在英国把这一天定义为女子求婚日,在这一天女子可以向他们的意中人袒露爱情。Today is February 29, unusual day in unsual year the one day when, by tradition, women can ask men to marry them.

我的意思是不要在你不喜欢的地方玩,在这些地方,你很难遇到你的意中人。My point is that don’t hang out in places you don’t like otherwise you will have a hard time meeting quality women.

情感中蕴藏着一股力量,它能比其它物品更能占卜意中人的胜利,并用神奇的力量催其奋进。Love contains power, it can predict the success of lovers abundance dawn anything else or puITs he exert dawn magical power.

对于寻找意中人,朱莉娅的运气并不怎么好。不过在她34岁那年事情有了变化。在2002年,她嫁给了摄影师丹尼尔·莫德。Julia didn't have the best luck finding Mr. Right, but at the age of 34 that changed. She married cameraman Daniel Motor in 2002.

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向意中人“说奉承话”,这是温存爱抚的最初形式,是试探性的半进攻。To pay compliments to the woman whom a man loves is the first method of bestowing caresses, and he is half audacious who tries it.

中世纪时,在这个日子里选择意中人的习俗传遍了整个欧洲,然后又传到了早期的美洲殖民地。The custom of choosing a sweetheart on this date spread through Europe in the Middle Ages, and then to the early American colonies.

随着数百万中国单身人士尤其是单身汉上网寻找意中人,择偶压力正推动网上征婚行业异军突起。Dating pressure is driving a major boom in online dating as millions of China's singletons log on to find love, particularly for men.