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不,生怕我需要一个无烟房间。No, I'm afraid I need a non-smoking room.

我急忙转过脸来,生怕被他看到我藏不住的笑。I quickly turned to fear, he saw me laughing.

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生怕心触及,哀伤现无遗。Lest one touch of this heart convey its grief.

生怕你以为他永远不会重现Lest you should think he never could recapture

树叶闻之色变,生怕严冬临降。That leaves look pale, dreading the winter's near.

我还生怕把你吵醒了呢,我只想跟你聊一下。I didn't want to wake you. I just feIt Iike a chat.

欲凭锦字,写人愁去,生怕梨花雨。For the word by Jin, write to worry, fear pear rain.

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他时时刻刻捏着一把汗,生怕假释被取消。He lived in constant fear of that parole being revoked.

生怕离怀别苦,多少事、欲说还休。Fear from the bosom don't bitter, how many thing, desire.

他那天早上起得很早,生怕误了火车。He got up early that morning lest he should miss the train.

他加快步伐,生怕在急行军中掉队。He hurried on, lest he should drop out in the forced match.

我睡觉时把钱放在枕头下,生怕贼偷了去。I slept with all my money under my pillow for fear of thieves.

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我尽量睁大眼睛,生怕会漏掉什么。I opened my eyes as large as possible, fearing to lose anything.

下楼的时候,我的手紧紧的抓住栏杆,生怕摔下去。Down time, my hands tightly grasp the railing, afraid to go down.

我生怕本日不能上班了。我感受很不痛快。No. 2 I'm afraid I can't come to work today. I'mnot feeling well.

她小心翼翼地把门打开,生怕蹭上未干的油漆。She opened the door gently so as not to rub against the wet paint.

只听珑璁一声,我的心也揪了一下,生怕那件抱起碎了。With the tinkling sound, my heart tightened, fearing it was broken.

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她紧紧攥住她的钱袋,生怕别人夺走。She clutched her purse tightly, fearing that someone might snatch it.

苦怜燕子寒相并,生怕梨花晚不禁。Swallow bitter cold phase and pity, can not help but fear pear later.

这是个很邃密的手术,生怕我没体例独自完成。The operation is a delicate one. I'm afraid I could perform it alone.