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我没有牵扯到你们的私人恩怨里。I'm not getting involved in your personal vendettas.

此时我们必须摒弃个人之间的恩怨。We must blot out the personal enmities at this time.

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他对你有没有什么私人的恩怨?Had M. de Villefort any cause of personal dislike to you?

问题绝非两位昔日盟友之间的恩怨这么简单。The problem goes deeper than animosity between two old allies.

人生苦短,别太过于计较个人恩怨。Life is too short to turn every personal affront into a battle.

盖恩斯说,参与此事的人想把这事弄成个人恩怨。Gaines says that the people involved wanted to make it personal.

我希望我们谁都不要再提起我们之间的旧恩怨。I hope all of us not to hash up old bitterness against one another.

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坏脾气能同商业成功并肩同行的另一个原因是个人恩怨无非是竞争这块璞玉之瑕疵。But it is also because personal animosity can be the grit in the oyster of competition.

在势不两立的敌对方试图了结恩怨的地方,他总是可以协调各方。He was always balanced in that place where incompatibilities try to resolve themselves.

采访中,麦当娜还提到了与埃尔顿·约翰之间的恩怨后者曾在2004年指责她假唱。Madonna also addresses her feud with Elton John, who in 2004 accused her of lip-synching.

杨、肖也应从历史事实出发,化解个人的恩怨。Yang and Xiao should solve the personal contradiction with a view to the historical truth.

物换星移,浮生苦短,是非恩怨,如此而已。过去的事就让它过去吧,未来会是全新的开始。Leaving is always a sad thing, but it would also be a fresh start. New start, new adventure.

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他们之间的恩怨情仇可以追溯到2004年夏在圣城纳杰夫的决一死战。Their mutual enmity dates back to a showdown in the holy city of Najaf in the summer of 2004.

狗娃决定暂且放下私人恩怨,带着狗娃山众伙计紫云县城百姓。Gowardesh put down personal decision, all the guys with gowardesh mountain ziyun county people.

个人恩怨或金钱诱惑总是能导致某些人走上邪路。Personal grievances or financial inducements will always lure some off the straight and narrow.

要承担的恩怨的生活总是太短,在最后我们必须面对我们的良知。Life is too short to bear grudges and at the end of the day we have to live with our consciences.

然豁达能溶解恩怨,化干戈为玉帛,消灾难于须弥之间。However, open-minded can dissolve the resentment, war and peace, between the good of difficult Sumeru.

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石、黄两家的宿命恩怨会随着三对子女的结合而有办法破解吗?Stone, Huang Lianggu fate grievances can be united in wedlock with three children and have to resolve?

我们必须以空前的责任心处理,必须把政治和个人恩怨抛开。With that comes an unprecedented obligation to do so wisely , free from politics and personal agendas.

英格兰大多数的足球恩怨都起源于地域上的相邻或者是球场上发生的那些事。Many of English football's rivalries go well beyond mere geography or the events that happen on the pitch.