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泡了太多的漂白粉。That ate too much teal ?

在漂白粉与洗涤剂的溶液中搅拌衣服。Slosh clothes in a solution of bleach and detergent.

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我们用漂白粉给饮水消毒。We disinfected drinking water with bleaching powder.

首先,应该浓缩的家用漂白粉。First, bleach should be referred to as full-strength household bleach.

我们要采购大豆蛋糕,玉米,漂白粉,硬脂酸,硕士蛋糕。We want to buy Soya Cake, Maize, Bleaching, Stearic Acid, Master Cake.

为什么漂白粉和水的混合物对表面的消毒效果比对针具内的效果好呢?Why is a bleach and water solution effective on surfaces and not in syringes?

这个自来水里的漂白粉放多了吧,有些异味!The running water has a peculiar smell, it has too much bleaching powder in it.

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如果仍然没有漂白粉的味道,把它扔掉再找别的水资源。If it still does not smell of bleach, discard it and find another source of water.

持续到1920年代,这种漂白粉仍然是布料和纸张的主要漂白剂。The powder remained the primary agent for bleaching cloth and paper into the 1920s.

在阴影中、水下甚至是淹没在漂白粉溶液里它都可以补充能量。It took on a charge in shadows, underwater or even submerged in a corrosive bleach solution.

在消毒处理工艺中,氯气、次氯酸钠、漂白粉是各水厂过去常用的杀菌消毒剂。Chlorine, sodium hypochlorite and bleaching powder used to be used as disinfectors in waterworks.

在一间里,漂白粉味刺鼻,一台叫做三重质谱仪的机器嗡嗡作响。In a small room smelling strongly of bleach, a machine known as a Triple Mass Spectrometer whirrs away.

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其它各种漂白粉要温和一些,但是大量使用也会降解纤维。The other various powder bleaches are somewhat gentler , but can degrade the fibre if used excessively.

根据急性毒性试验确定了漂白粉对日本的安全质量浓度为0。The acute toxicity of bleaching powder to Charybdis japonica was determined, and its safety concentration was 0.

然而,漂白粉是迄今发现的既能够杀死HIV,又被广泛运用而且便宜的方式。However, bleach has been found to be effective against HIV in addition to being widely available and inexpensive.

当他们进入病房开始用漂白粉洗手时,感染率下降乐。Infection rates plummeted when they started washing their hands with chloride of lime when they entered the ward.

一个月后,研究者发现漂白粉组的症状有了明显的好转。After a month, researchers saw "a significant decrease" in the severity of the symptoms of the group using the bleach.

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特雷维喷泉是全世界最著名的许愿池。坐在池边,我想品尝一下泉水,但水中似有似无的漂白粉味道提醒我要三思而后行。Sitting at the Trevi Fountain, I caught a hint of bleach in the smell of the water and thought twice about drinking it.

当然我的另类癖好以譬如打扮成婴儿的人、收集死掉的东西的人或者强迫用漂白粉洗澡的人这样的专题为主。Sure My Strange Addiction features people who dress like babies, collect dead things, and compulsively bathe in bleach.

浓缩的家用漂白粉会使皮肤,眼睛不舒服,所以永远都不要注射进皮肤里或是血液循环系统。Full-strength household bleach will irritate the skin and eyes and should never be injected into the skin or bloodstream.