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小吃可选择生鲜蔬菜。Snack on raw vegetables.

买生鲜食品,而非冷冻的。Buy fresh foods instead of frozen.

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生鲜肉品,食品安全管理应用。Fresh meat, food safety management applications.

清洗各种可携带有害细菌的生鲜食物。Also wash produce, which can carry harmful bacteria.

目前,在阿拉尔市零售的生鲜乳较多,市民对其卫生状况不很了解。At present there are many kinds on sale in the city of Alar.

生鲜食品也更加美味,会使你觉得更满意。Fresh food is also more flavorful, so you will feel more satisfied.

搭配白肉、鱼肉、生鲜或烹熟的贝类及海鲜意面味道鲜美无比。White meats, fish and raw or cooked shellfish. Pastas with sea food.

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运用清洁的营运理念,降低生鲜食品的损耗率。Moreover, a hygienic internal operation will minimize your fresh food loss.

鱼,大西洋竹筴鱼,太平洋长身鳕鱼,银鳕,生鲜或冷藏。Monk fish, atlantic blue fish, pacific linglods, sablefish, fresh or chilled.

最后使用冷链物流,降低生鲜品的损耗率。Lastly, enterprise should apply the cold chain logistics to reduce the loss rate.

鱼,大西洋竹筴鱼,太平洋长身鳕鱼,银鳕,生鲜或冷藏。Monk fish, atlantic blue fish, pacific linglods, sablefish , fresh or chilled F01

那段时间生鲜奶的消耗造成979人患病,73人入院治疗。During that time raw milk consumption resulted in 979 illnesses and 73 hospitalizations.

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生鲜和天然的食物通常比烹饪过的、精制的食物更容易被人体吸收。Raw and whole foods are usually digested more efficiently than cooked and refined foods.

如果一些食品,甚至像生鲜蔬菜一样的食品,都被认为是高风险的,这会意味着什么?And what does this mean about foods that are considered high-risk, such as raw vegetables?

从生鲜农产品种养收获到零售环节中,配送环节对生鲜经营效益影响较大。Distribution of fresh food has a great influence on the whole profit of fresh merchandise.

猪膀胱,整个或切开者均在内,生鲜、冷藏、冷冻、咸、浸咸、干或熏制者。Bladders of swine, whole and pieces thereof, fresh, chilled, frozen, salted, in brine, dried or smoked.

GDY系列啤酒灌装机组适用于圆罐、异型罐灌装生鲜啤酒。GDY series beer filling machine apply to filling draught and warm beer with round jar and profiled jar.

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改革开放以来,国内生鲜品零售业态日益多样化,形成了超市与农贸市场共存的局面。Since Chinese reform and opening up, the domestic retail format of fresh food is increasingly diversified.

有一家超市对顾客如此说道,‘你为自己的厨艺而感到自豪,难道不需要购买如此新鲜到家的生鲜食品吗?’One supermarket tells customers, 'You are proud of your cooking, so shouldn' t you buy the very freshest food?'

社会现有的技术边界线制约了生鲜食品超市业态向消费者偏好中心演化。It is technology edge that has restricted the evolution of retail format of fresh produce to supermarket retailer.