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女人,请不要再坐享其成!Women, please stop sit back and enjoy!

这是正确的事,但我们不能坐享其成。It is the right thing to do, but it won't be a free ride.

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怎能坐享其成?How can one sit idle and enjoy the fruits of others' labour?

永远不要心存坐享其成的幻想。Never entertain the illusion that you could get paid for nothing.

她的计划就是,让迈克尔拿到“锡拉”,然后他们黄雀在后,坐享其成。She says that when Michael grabs Scylla, they should take it from him.

我们这一群长期投资人,是少数坐享其成的获利者。They, the long-term investors, are gainers who reap where they don't sow.

你休想偷懒呆在这里,叫别人冒危险,吃苦头,你坐享其成。Don't lazily think to fatten yourself with the dangers and pains of other people.

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解释什么是坐享其成并且那个概念怎么与环境法有关。Explain what a free rider is and how that concept is related to environmental law.

这场比赛不会是一边急需胜利,另一边可以坐享其成。It's not a match between a team that needs to win and a team that can sit back and wait.

但是,她却不甘心做一个坐享其成的人,下了很大工夫去找工作来养活自己。But she refused to become a freeloader and tried very hard to find a job to support herself.

但是,她却不甘心做一个坐享其成的人,下了很大工夫去找工作来养活自己。However, she refused to be a freeloader , and tried her best to find a job to make a living.

我从来没有想让人们感觉我是坐享其成,或者可以获得老板的特别照顾。I never wanted anyone to think I was getting a free ride or special treatment from the boss.

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但是,她却不甘心做一个坐享其成的人,下了很大工夫去找工作来养活自己。However, she doesn't want to be a freeloader, she tried her best to find a job to make a living.

它只会停在它自己的,会让你进来,把坐享其成度过你的余生。It will just stop on its own and will ask you to come inside and take a free ride for the rest of your life.

但这种实用性往往只起着使追求十足的消极散漫和坐享其成成为合理化的作用。But such practical use only plays the role which rationalizes the appeal to te extreme passivity and receptivity.

但这种实用性往往只起着使追求十足的消极散漫和坐享其成成为合理化的作用。But such practical use only plays the role which rationalizes the appeal to extreme idleness and willingness to accept things.

信息计量表虽然拦不住贼偷或者黑客,但是却可以抵消掉那些坐享其成以及人类天生的分享欲望。Information meters can't stop thievery or hacking, but meters can counteract the effects of lazy mooching and the natural human desire to share.

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因为对于苹果公司来讲法国是一个可有可无的市场,公司可以完全退出该国市场,总好过让竞争对手坐享其成。For Apple, France is a dispensable nation. Thecompany could quitthecountry altogether rather than allow its competitorsto take advantage of its music store.

“良好的教育并不意味着让孩子养尊处优、坐享其成,尤其是男孩更不该如此。”中国东部浙江省金华市的企业家宋文名表示。Good education doesn't mean letting your child enjoy privileges, especially our boys, said Song Wenming, an entrepreneur in Jinhua, East China's Zhejiang province.

“良好的教育并不意味着让孩子养尊处优、坐享其成,尤其是男孩更不该如此。”中国东部浙江省金华市的企业家宋文名表示。"Good education doesn't mean letting your child enjoy privileges, especially our boys, " said Song Wenming, an entrepreneur in Jinhua, East China's Zhejiang province.