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这债券生息。The bond bears interest.

我悄无生息地走进去一看,哦!I went into the quiet affair to a look, oh!

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把钱存在储蓄账户里就会生息。Interest will get accruals if you keep your money in a savings account.

高等精灵聚居地附近猎物繁殖生息、土地肥沃富饶。Game proliferates near high elf communities, and the earth is fertile for them.

的朋友。我们彼此生息相系,生命相连的自然循。The heron and the otter are my friends. And we are all connected to each other.

在爱因斯坦的宇宙中,在生息繁衍的宇宙中,物理学没有了束缚,也没有了束缚。Physics was free, we too are free, in the Einstein universe which is where we live.

灾区人民和我们血脉相连、生息相关、福祸相依。Disaster area people and our blood, related to interest-bearing, Fuhuo dependencies.

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自古以来,我们的祖先就共同生息、繁衍在亚洲这片热土上。Since ancient times, our ancestors live, multiply in Asia this piece of land on the.

在加勒比海的珊瑚礁中,共有四种濒危的海龟生息繁衍。Four types of endangered sea turtles feed and mate among the corals of the Caribbean.

此后,儒学便有了与君主专制同生息、共存亡的命运。Hence, Confucianism had the fate surviving and dying together with sovereign autocracy.

在这个爱因斯坦的宇宙中,在这个咱们生息繁衍的宇宙中,物理学没有了约束,咱们也没有了约束。Physics was free, and we too are free, in the Einstein universe which is where we live.

长期以来,此区的居民是藉赖绿洲生境而生息劳动。For a long time, the people who live in arid area depend on the oasis to labor and live.

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为了能在日趋恶劣的环境里开枝散叶、生息繁衍,我们需要拥有更新、更加进化的技能。We need some new evolutionary tricks in order to spread out into increasingly hostile environments.

一些鱼类和鸟类也会千里迢迢回到它们的故乡生息繁衍。Certain kinds of fish and birds travel thousands of miles to their homelands in order to give birth.

在体校里,她们每天训练数时,仅由学校里负责委托监护的女性工作人员照顾生息。There, they train for hours every day and are taken care of by women who serve as surrogate parents.

随了太平洋岛屿以后,人类差不多生息繁衍在了世界任何可居住的角落。With the exception of the islands of the Pacific, human beings had settled the whole habitable world.

食物和光线稀少的洞穴成为在低能养环境中生存的动植物的得天独厚的生息地。Caves are host to species that thrive in low-energy environments, where there is little food or light.

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男孩默不做声的接受,再悄无生息地把肉块夹回父亲的碗中。Boys keep silent silent acceptance, and then quietly live to put meat back to his father's bowl folder.

加息使得股票对投资者的吸引力渐渐低于生息的投资项目。Rising interest rates will make stocks gradually less attractive to investors than yield-paying instruments.

所以他手伸入去,到那毯子内,移开了那天蓝色的袍子,暴露出这老人已无生息的胸膛。So he reached down, slid back the blanket, and parted the azure robe, exposing the old man’s lifeless chest.