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忒修斯领着童男童女在克里特上岸了。Theseus led the virgin in Crete went ashore.

这一年,又是供奉童男童女的年头了。This year, it is enshrined virgin of the year.

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而驶向大洋的徐富和传说中的五百童男童女真的到了日本吗?Did Xu Fu and the five hundred virgin boys and girls really arrived at Japan?

雅典每次送来的7对童男童女都是供奉给米诺牛吃的。Each sent seven pairs of Athens is virgin oblations offered to the miner cow.

他决心和童男童女们一起出发,并发誓要杀死米诺牛。His determination and virgin, starting with the miner and vowed to kill cows.

雅典民众在一片哭泣的悲哀声中,送别忒修斯在内的7对童男童女。Athens people in a cry of sorrow sound, farewell Theseus, seven pairs of virgin.

所以这些童男童女无知,受迷信之蛊惑,而失去真正的目标和方向。In their ignorance, those boys and girls were seduced by superstition and lost their true goal and direction.

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一楼二库,金山银山,童男童女等等纸活成了在葬礼中不可少缺的部分。One building, two libraries, gold and silver mountains, young boys and girls, are the indispensable parts in the funeral.

我们也得保证他们的安全,我会从他们每人身边带走两个,对其他的金字塔主人也一样,一对童男童女。We must keep them safe as well. I will have two children from each of them. From the other pyramids as well. A boy and a girl.

悟空听了,安慰陈家人不要怕,他和八戒扮作童男童女到庙中等妖怪。Learning this, Monkey King consoled the Chens, and promised them that he and Pig would act as the boy and girl to wait for the spirit in the temple.

此去经年,长安城内突然遭到山妖洗劫,童男童女哭声连连,命悬一线。This goes classics year, hill bewitching loot suffers suddenly inside Chang'an city, female cry of Tong Nan child again and again, the life hangs a gleam of.

经询问才知道通天河有一妖怪,要村里人每年送一对童男童女给它吃,今年正好轮到陈澄家送人。The group soon learned that in the Tongtian River there was a spirit who asked the village to send him a virgin girl and a virgin boy every year as a sacrifice.

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经询问才知道通天河有一妖怪,要村里人每年送一对童男童女给它吃,今年正好轮到陈澄家送人。The group soon learned that in the Tongtian River there was a spirit who asked the village to send him a virgin girl and a virgin boy every year as a sacrifice. And this year was Chen Chengs turn.

经询问才知道通天河有一妖怪,要村里人每年送一对童男童女给它吃,今年正好轮到陈澄家送人。The group soon learned that in the Tongtian River there was a spirit who asked the village to send him a virgin girl and a virgin boy every year as a sacrifice. And this year was Chen Cheng‘s turn.