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格拉司通一直以满足客户日益增长的需求为己任。Glaston is well positioned to meet growing customer needs.

仁以为己任,不亦重乎?Is it not a heavy responsibility, which is to practice benevolence?

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中外文化交流中心始终视世界文化交流为己任!CICE has long regarded the worldwide culture exchange as its own duty.

我们坚持以科技为主导,以满足用户需求为己任。We adhere to the technology-driven, to meet user demand as its mission.

李教授把传递传统文化薪火视为己任。Professor Lee deems it his duty to pass the torch of traditional culture.

雅达利以协助企业成功打造品牌为己任。YADELI makes helping enterprises to succeed in creating brands as our own duty.

我们党历来以实现和发展人民民主为己任。Our Party has always deemed it its duty to realize and develop people's democracy.

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可惜现在很多领导人开始都以当人民公仆为己任,随后成就功名。Unfortunately, many leaders today start off as servants but end up as celebrities.

以充分调动和保护人民群众的主动性和创造性为工作的己任。He takes it as his task to fully tap and protect people's initiative and creativity.

凯元电子有限公司视质量为生命,以创新为己任。Ltd considers quality as the enterprise's life and regards innovation as the target.

一个年轻的战士阿若泰,总是以保卫国家为己任。A young soldier, Anothai, who was always aware of his duty as a protector of the land.

本公司一直以寻找世界更好,更超值的红酒为己任。The company has been looking for the world better and more value-added red wine as own duty.

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现在,在我38岁的时候,我终于找到了我的真理,并且,以帮助他人找到这条正途为己任。Now, at 38, I finally have it, and I’ve made it my mission to help others find their true path.

美国通俗乐坛向来以挑战成词滥调,打破障碍界限为己任。American popular music has always been about challenging stereotypes and breaking down barriers.

JCU新加坡以培养和发展下一代的领导者和专业人才为己任。JCU Singapore is committed to nurturing and developing the next generation of leaders and professionals.

其共同之处在于都是以上帝的名义关怀人,以促进道德完善为己任。The same point is that both of them cherish human beings and take moral perfection as their responsibility.

田家炳博士是香港以至全中国杰出的实业家和慈善家,高风亮节,以振兴国家、教育济世为己任。Dr Tin is a well-known industrialist and a forerunner of philanthropy in Hong Kong. He established the K. P.

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高技术的玻璃光纤制品开发和研究,同时以市场为导向,以精良的产品满足用户的最大需要为己任。Aiso we are guided by the market, and count serving our customers bu the best products as our targest mission.

自创办起就以监督政府、开启民智为己任,以大公无私的态度评论时事,以“敢言”著称于时。It took on the public affairs such as supervising government and enlightening civilian wisdom as its own duty.

以服务客户为己任,立足于自主研发,专业从事高频开关电源的订制服务。Its client-oriented policy to provide the customized service of switching power supply relies on independent R&D.