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有很多人丧生于龙卷风吗?Do many people die in tornadoes?

这场洪水使近百人丧生。The flood claimed nearly 100 lives.

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她在一次交通事故中丧生。She met her death in a road accident.

7个人在火灾中丧生。And there was 37 people died in there.

两个日本人在这次博斗中丧生。Two Japanese were killed in the fight.

在此次连环袭击中,至少195人丧生。At least 195 people died in the attacks.

许多印第安人在战斗中丧生。Many redskin bit the dust in the battle.

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据报昨晚有五人丧生。Five more deaths were reported overnight.

警方称,一名46岁男子在暴风雨中丧生。A 46-year-old man was killed, police said.

他在一场纯属偶然的事故中丧生。He was killed in an accident pure and simple.

塔金在随后的爆炸中丧生。Tarkin was killed in the resulting explosion.

成千上百的人已被确信丧生。Thousands of people are believed to have died.

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八名土耳其人及土裔美国人在冲突中丧生。Turks and a Turkish-American died in the raid.

另据报导,至少55人已经丧生。At least 55 people reportedly have been killed.

啜饮密糖的苍蝇在甜蜜中丧生。The fly that sips treacle is lost in the sweet.

劫持人质者在警方突袭中丧生。The hostage taker was killed in police assault.

女孩在医院昏迷一周后,于周五早上丧生。After a week in a coma, she died Friday morning.

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他同行的父母亲兄弟都在空难中丧生。His parents and brother were killed in the crash.

据说,已有六个人丧生,11人受伤。Six are said to have been killed, and 11 wounded.

那个莽撞的驾车人在这次车祸中丧生。The reckless driver died in the traffic accident.