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如果确实是那样,那他倒可真算是饱经沧桑的了。If that was so, he had really been around.

她一生饱经沧桑。She has experienced the vicissitudes of life.

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我在漫长的一生中饱经沧桑。In the course of my long life I've known many changes.

自从童年时起卡尔就一直是一个被命运跑踢来踢去的球,饱经沧桑。Carl had been from his childhood a ball of fortune to spurn at.

他过去饱经沧桑,但现在决心要干一番成就。He'd had a chequered past but was now determined to be successful.

饱经沧桑的过程中,他的派系不但保存下来,甚至还壮大了。His faction survived and even thrived amid the many vicissitudes of his career.

那里的房子饱经沧桑,街道狭窄,人们的穿着也有些过时。The houses were worn out, the streets were narrow and people wore outdated clothes.

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这是否很神秘,因为他的心那样饱经沧桑?Is it any mystery that he hardened his heart, that he raised the emotional ramparts?

饱经沧桑的亚洲人民深知和平之可贵。The past sufferings of war and turmoil have taught the Asian people the value of peace.

对于我们犹太民族,这不过是我们饱经沧桑的历史进程的一个小插曲。For us, the Jewish people, this is but a passing episode in a rich and an event-filled history.

他的一生经历了20世纪德国政治上的风云变幻,可谓饱经沧桑、命运坎坷。He went through the upheavals of the twentieth-century German politics and thus led an eventful life.

据说,画家以他的婶婶作他画中的模特,她的面容饱经沧桑却不失坚定。It is said that the painter used his aunt as the model in his painting whose face represented suffering yet strength.

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听说,画家以他的婶婶作他画中的车模,她的面目面貌饱经沧桑却不掉果断。It is said that the painter used hellos aunt as the model in the painting whose face represented suffering yet strength.

尽管已经饱经沧桑,它的遗迹仍能为我们打开一道通往史前世界的窗口并且守护着4500多年前的那些神秘往事。Though weathered and broken, its ruins are a window on a prehistoric world, guarding secrets after more than 4, 500 years.

如今的它,早已生锈,自行车的链子被岁月折磨的饱经沧桑,锈迹斑斑的车架,仿佛在倾诉时间流逝之快。Now, it's already rust, bicycle chains were years torture drought-stricken vicissitudes, rusty stains frame, as if in talk time passes quickly.

重建于1923年,整座清真寺占地3亩半,礼拜大殿饱经沧桑,仍巍然屹立。Reconstruction in 1923, the entire mosque covers an area of 3 acres and a half years, the great hall of worship vicissitudes, still stand tall.

老人饱经沧桑的脸上挂着平静慈祥的笑容,我却感到一丝心酸,为她的纯朴善良,也为她困顿的生活。On her weather-beaten face was a peaceful and kind smile, but I felt a little grieved, for her simplicity and kindness and also for her hard life.

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近代饱经沧桑的中国人民,深知和平之珍贵、发展之重要。The Chinese people, who emerged from great vicissitudes in modern times, are keenly aware of the value of peace and the importance of development.

饱经沧桑的20世纪仅剩下几个春秋,人类即将跨入充满希望的21世纪。In a few years’ time, mankind will bid farewell to the 20th century, a century full of vicissitudes, and enter the 21st century, a century full of hopes.

难道他认为我会爱世上哪一位勇敢英俊的父亲,多于这位我如此挚爱的饱经沧桑、头发斑白的老人吗?Does he think that there is a gallant, handsome father in this earth that I could love so dearly, cherish so devotedly, as this worn and gray-headed old man?