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所以欢迎来带盖茨札记。So, welcome to the Gates Notes.

保存一份札记,写写你自己的生活经历,甚至创作小说。Start keeping a journal and write about your experiences, or be ultra-creative and start writing some fiction.

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本周五起,超过8800多封属于安徒生的私人信件和札记将在网上向大众公开。FromFriday, more than 8800 letters and musings that belonged to Denmark’smost well-known author are to be put online for all to view.

行程归来,万通中心还将推出以客户为主体的摄影作品及旅游札记等展览评奖活动。After the journey, Vantone Center will organize exhibitions of photos and travel notes focusing on customers and offer awards to them.

自我研讨的策略有合作、自我提问与题目清单、身体力行和交流研讨结果与自我研讨札记等。Self-study strategies include cooperation, self-inquiry and question detailed list, practice what you preach and communication and so on.

碧翠丝波特的手稿和札记都保存在,英国维多利亚与艾伯特博物馆内,一直到现在才被公布。The original drawings and writings of Beatrix Potter are kept at the Victoria and Albert Museum and until now have never been seen before.

“他是在做这个相当开放的,”札记之一迈阿密天主教谁知道可爱好,有婚姻经历和他的辅导。"He was doing this fairly out in the open, " notes one Miami Catholic who knows Cutié well and has undergone marriage counseling with him.

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“笔记”是指一切用散文所写,不拘体例、随笔而录的杂谈、琐语、见闻、札记等文字。The notes refer to all the essays, which are in informal style, such as the tittle-tattles, the trivial proses, the informations, and so on.

20世纪以前的中古词语研究成果大都体现在历代的字典辞书、注释材料及笔记札记中。The lexical study on Middle ancient Chinese before the 20th century is mainly found in the dictionaries, comments and notes of different dynasties.

该文是两则回族史研究札记,对于杨凯家族和萨镇冰家族的族属研究,补充了一些新资料,认为杨凯家族确实是回族,萨镇冰家族祖上也是回族。This article includes two notes of Hui tribe history research regarding Yang Kai family and Sa Zhenbing family, with some supplementary new materials.

MCBC是一个宣教的教会,是福音型、扩展神国度的教会,是一个写灵修笔记或灵程札记的教会。MCBC is a mission church. It is a evangelical, enlarging God's Kingdom church. It is a church that brothers & sisters who write spiritual or devotion journal.

孙犁晚年撰写的一批读书札记中,其生命体验更突出地表现在知人论世的精神上。In Sun Lis reading notes written is his late years, his observation of life is move clearly expressed in his understanding of human beings and comments on human affairs.

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本研究的进行有助于提升对于师院生性别意识形塑和觉醒历程的瞭解,以及札记写作如何在其中扮演媒介角色。The purpose of this study is to use journal writing to inquire teachers college students' development of gender consciousness through the gender equity education course.

省思札记的书写及其他自我评量的方法可提供职前教师从事后设认知思考的机会,并将理论与实际相结合。Journal writing and other self-evaluative methods afford preservice teachers opportunities to engage in metacognitive thinking and make connections between theory and practice.

笔者以收集文献、参与观察、讨论和访谈、省思札记等方式实际参加几个教师专业发展的课程。In addition, in term of participants, this study proposes a model that involves both pre-and in-service teachers in one program and that teachers' professional development should have contiguity.