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为了昔日美好的时光,亲爱的。For auld lang syne, my dear.

为了美好的昔日,我的朋友。For auld lang syne, my friend.

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照片是我父亲拍摄的昔日的纽约。The picture is vintage NY by my dad.

他记起一位朋友昔日的恩情He remembered past kindness of a friend

昔日的奥巴马没有戴过国旗胸针。The old Obama failed to wear a flag pin.

他们能否恢复昔日友好的兄弟情?Did they regain their friendship afterward?

南下列车驶离昔日的旧溪口站南端。The south side of old Hsi-Kou Station. 1968.

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昔日的跳伞塔周边为沙地,以减缓着陆冲击。Surrounding sand slows down the landing impact.

爱你,以昔日的剧痛和童年的忠诚。In my old griefs, and with my childhood's faith.

鸭子在昔日的农田里戏水。Ducks paddled on ponds that had once been farmland.

象征昔日魅力及抱负的遗迹尚存。Still, traces of charm and bygone ambition survive.

老一辈人还记得昔日晴朗的天空。The older people remember days of clear-aired yore.

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昔日连接突尼斯与意大利的陆桥。A land bridge that once connected tunisia and italy.

昔日称兄道弟的他现在竟玷污了我唯一的自尊。Former call he now have defiled my only self-esteem.

昔日的忠诚、怨恨和偏见会再现,情绪激增。Old loyalties, grievances, and prejudices re-emerge.

这个昔日的机器人时宠爱犬晃。This canine robot of yesteryear wiggles when petted.

但是首先日本必须赶走昔日的心魔。But first Japan must exorcise the demons of its past.

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让我们的家园再呈现昔日的碧水青山,鸟语花香。Let our homes to present the hill, former blue roses.

让我们的家园能够重新披上昔日的绿装!Let our homes be able to put on the former Green loaded!

昔日的摆台,留经过去的记忆。Put the set in former days, stay through the past memory.