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我会坐着像山一样岿然不动。I'll sit as still as a hill.

他,岿然不动,注视她。And he, unmoved , regarded her.

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比尔,你坐着别动好吗?我会坐着像山一样岿然不动。Will you sit still, Bill? I'll sit as still as a hill.

它有如人类智慧的丰碑,巍然屹立,岿然不动。It rose as a monument to human ingenuity immovably firm.

公主每晚往外探,都能看到他岿然不动的身影!Each evening the princess looked out, and he never moved!

任凭来自数字化研究、苹果和IBM的挑战,岿然不动。That's despite challenges from Digital Research, Apple and IBM.

能够岿然不动,坚持正见,度过难关的人是不多的。–雨果。Can not see through, adhere to the positive, who is not much. — Hugo.

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东方明珠岿然不动地屹立在浦东新区。The " East Bright Pearl" stands erect and unshakable in Pudong, Shanghai.

挺起我们民族的脊梁,任它天崩地裂,我自岿然不动。To straighten the backbone of our nation, let it earth shattering , I am self-stays on.

亚瑟仍旧在那儿岿然不动,甚至连在头顶盘旋的兀鹰也毫无捕猎的兴趣。Arthur still sat glued to his perch, not even chasing away the turkey vultures that circled overhead.

除此以外,中国国内燃油价格“岿然不动”,引起了公众的不满。Despite that, China's domestic fuel prices has long remained intact and that aroused public complaints.

1929年经济大萧条时期,各种机构纷纷倒闭,却有一种岿然不动。WHILE many institutions collapsed during the Great Depression that began in 1929, one kind did rather well.

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但是尽管支持全球化的理念始终岿然不动,事情却在朝相反的方向发展。But while the ideas that underpinned globalisation remain firmly in place, events are moving in the opposite direction.

“对”小家伙高声大叫。“我们的堤坝成功了。看,每一根木头都岿然不动。现在,我们的辛勤劳动换来了安乐无忧”"Yes! " cried Junior. "And our dam made it too. Look, every log is still in place. Now I'm happy that we worked so hard. "

想当年,面对发端于泰国的亚洲金融危机,港元在巨大的贬值压力下岿然不动。Then when Thailand tipped off an Asian financial crisis, the Hong Kong dollar withstood intense gravitational pull to decline.

老人好象没有感到这些似的,用一只手抓住他的两只手臂,镇定自若,岿然不动。The old man did not appear to notice it, and held both his arms with one hand, with the sovereign indifference of absolute force.

山海关,一位风雨中岿然不动的历史证人,一尊不会风化的镌刻着历史变迁的巨碑。Shanhaiguan, a wind and rain stays on the history of a witness, a weathering of the inscription does not change the giant monument of history.

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同时,我想你大概也会感到很欣慰,因为在你的腿脚越发不灵便,在你的视力逐渐消退时,至少你的免疫系统还能岿然不动。In the meantime, I guess you can be thankful that as your joints grow creaky and your vision fades, at least your immune system stays on its feet.

本周的一系列事件告诉我们,尽管波音787取得了巨大的成功而空客犯下了一些错误,但这两家竞争公司的垄断地位依旧岿然不动。What this week has shown is that for all the success of the 787 and the mistakes of Airbus, the competitive duopoly of the past decade is still firmly in place.

家长们指责教学楼质量不合格导致了他们孩子的死亡。不少教学楼倒塌了,然而周围的建筑却岿然不动。Parents of the children have blamed the substandard construction of the schools, many of which collapsed while the buildings around them stayed upright, for the deaths.