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在东京西部,一块被文明的社区围绕的土地,很可能埋藏了大屠杀的铁证。PROOF of mass murder could lie in a genteel enclave of west-central Tokyo.

这下终于有了铁证,马戎率兵回城捉拿王小红。This finally have the solid, w. connor rate return take WangXiaoGong soldiers.

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至少他们得找到铁证后才能得出结论啊!At-least they could acquire a piece of physical evidence before concluding! ! !

如今在我屈指敲来发出沉闷回响的氧化钢里,就是这段历史的铁证。Here was the hard evidence in oxidizing steel that rang dully under my knuckles.

现在,「征讨画册」成为日军罪行无法抹去的铁证。Now these same albums serve as undeniable proof of the Japanese army's war crimes.

新武器的发明,就是这种重要性的一个铁证”。The invention of new weapons, that is, the importance of an iron-clad proof of this.

气候变暖的另一铁证是灌木北移取代了苔原植物。Warming is also reinforced when shrubs move northward and replace lower tundra plants.

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当你开始怀疑你的救主对你的爱时,请你求助于神话语中的铁证。When you begin to doubt your Savior's love, turn to the hard evidence found in God's Word.

当然,没有铁证可以确定假释期的犯人不会继续杀人。Of course, there is never an iron clad guarantee that a paroled killer will never kill again.

这是一个铁证,证实每个特工都会对其国外同僚不放心,都要进行监视。The wire was solid evidence of each operative’s mistrustful surveillance of his fellow agents.

只要我在公园里看到了男人,我就会拿它当作吉塔的一个情人在等她的铁证。If I saw any man there it would be a solid proof that he is one of Geeta's lover waiting for her.

除夕时没有约会是社交上不受欢迎,而且缺乏性魅力的铁证。Being dateless on New Year's Eve is proof positive of a person's social and sexual undesirability.

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只要我在公园里看到了女人,我就会拿它当作吉塔在等情人的铁证。If I saw any woman in the park it would be a solid proof that she is Geeta waiting for her lovers.

这些现象的存在,都堪为汉传佛教对西夏产生影响的铁证。All these phenomena can be the convincing evidence of the influence of Chinese Buddhism to Xixia Buddhism.

因为“现状就是铁证,比保古家的万言书有力得多。”" Because "the status quo is the iron-clad protection of ancient family than 10000 made the book much stronger.

保险箱上嫌疑人的手纹被认为是他参与了抢劫的铁证。The suspects' fingerprints on the safe were considered incontrovertible evidence that he had participated in the robbery.

我也可以说是罗马人资助了恐怖主义,说起来容易,但是需要在全世界面前拿出铁证。I can also say that " Rome is sponsoring terrorism", Its easy to say in mouth but it need solid evidence to prove infront the world.

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如果这些都是真的,有了铁证,我想那些卷入其中的人们需要重罚。If it is true, and if there is hard evidence, then I think those involved should pay a heavy penalty for it because it's disgraceful.

行贿受贿对发展中国家的经济势必会产生全方位的影响,而能够证实这种影响存在性的所谓的“铁证”大都是道听途说或经个人研究而来。Hard evidence about the full impact of bribery on developing countries' economies is largely anecdotal or based on individual case studies.

在2003年,近一半的美国人错误的认为,美国政府已经找到伊拉克和基地组织相勾结的铁证。In 2003 nearly half of all Americans falsely assumed that the U.S. government had found solid evidence for a link between Iraq and al Qaeda.