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我是信息活动分子。I am an information activist.

他们还袭击了一名英国活动分子。They also assaulted a British activist.

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全都被社会活动分子贴上了逃税者的标签。Each has been branded a tax dodger by activists.

这些活动分子包括美国加利福尼亚州洛杉矶的格里塔.伯林。Among the activists was Greta Berlin of Los Angeles, California.

并且,当真的被惹恼的时候,他们就逮捕和拷打民主活动分子。And, when it really gets irritated, it arrests and tortures democracy activists.

七月一号歹徒劫持并暴打了坡达拉,一位战地记者和积极活动分子。On June 1st thugs abducted and beat up Poddala Jayantha, a journalist and activist.

这就是在海蓝德中心参与培训的活动分子正试图去改变的。That’s what the activists trained at the Highlander center are attempting to change.

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亲巴勒斯坦的活动分子驾船越过以色列的封锁线,进入加沙地带。Pro-Palestinian activists have sailed into the Gaza Strip defying an Israeli blockade.

不过反政府活动分子表示,叙利亚军队试图压制自由的呼吁。But anti-government activists, said the Syrian army tried to suppress the freedom of appeal.

活动分子说在周五新祷告后反政府游行在叙利亚全国范围内开始了。Activists say anti-government demonstrations took place across Syria after new prayers on Friday.

超级代表是民主党的官员和党的活动分子,他们有权选择自己支持的候选人。Superdelegates are Democratic officeholders and party activists free to support either candidate.

星期五早晨,在巴黎,有大约20名活动分子在胡先生访问凯旋门时试图接近他。In Paris on Friday morning around 20 activists approached Mr Hu as he visited the Arc de Triomphe.

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今天下午丝厂工人活动分子大会,你的领导是错误的!The way you conduced that meeting of activists from the silk factories this afternoon was all wrong!

事发后,巴勒斯坦安全部队逮捕了大约150名哈马斯活动分子进行问讯。Palestinian security forces detained about 150 Hamas activists for questioning following the incident.

动物权利活动分子一直在谈论的卷尾猴连锁抽烟的场景。Animal rights activists have been talking about scenes of a capuchin monkey chain-smoking cigarettes in.

伊朗反对派活动分子和新闻记者,阿克巴尔甘吉,收到了星期四晚上在华盛顿奖。Iranian opposition activist and journalist, Akbar Ganji, received the award in Washington Thursday night.

以色列表示,这些活动分子的真实目的原来是通过遭到拦截或逮捕来突显以色列的封锁。Israel said the real aim of the activists was to highlight the blockade by being intercepted and arrested.

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自然环境保护活动分子请求政府不要对工业污染问题采取低调态度。On the issue of industrial pollution, the environmental activist plead with the government not to soft-pedal.

他们担心革命“,一位拒绝透露姓名的活动分子说到。"They are worried about a Vietnamese-style Jasmine Revolution, " said one activist who declined to be identified.

反对派领导人到达阿盟总部时,活动分子向他们投掷鸡蛋,还发生了混战。The activists threw eggs and scuffled with the opposition leaders as they arrived at the Arab League headquarters.