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竹篮儿打水一场空。pour water into a sieve.

你是竹篮打水一场空。You are drawing water with a sieve.

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您想了解他们问询的那种竹篮吗?Do you want to know about that kind of basket?

到头来,竹篮打水一场空。Finally, it is like drawing water with a sieve.

那些信使说着,并把竹篮放下。Themessengers said, as they put the baskets down.

把这些长条上下交错编成像竹篮的格子。Form a lattice in a crisscross pattern with the strips.

我指着用毯子盖着的一个竹篮问母亲。I asked Mother, pointing to a basket covered with tararound it.

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他当编辑的梦想证明不过是竹篮打水一场空。His dream of being hired as an editor proved to be pie in the sky.

奥巴马先生为解决住房市场问题忙活了大半天,怕是要竹篮打水一场空了。Mr Obama's hunt for a fix for the housing market may be a fruitless one.

好几个月的斗争换来的却是竹篮打水一场空。After months of struggling it had clearly gotten to be a futile exercise.

但是封锁在线内容就如同竹篮打水,白费力气。But blocking online content is like using a sieve to stop the flow of water.

欧洲央行消除退出风险的努力将几乎是竹篮打水。The efforts of the ECB to eliminate exit risk will have been almost for nought.

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天杀的罗利拿了随身听竟然忘记拿电池,所以我们是竹篮打水一场空。But Rowley forgot to put batteries in his CD player, so it was pretty much worthless.

她把竹篮从水中捞起,那其实是我的弟弟在竹篮中嚎啕大哭。”She opened the basket up and there was my little brother, crying inside of thebasket.

我立即缩进芦苇中,目睹着竹篮漂到公主面前的过程。I quickly hidbehind the reeds on the side and watched as the basket floated up to thePrincess.

我们内心充满了消极的念头,认为所有的成功步骤最终会竹篮打水一头空。We are filled with negative thoughts, believing those steps may not turn out to be successful.

我看到一群信使过来了,每人带着一个竹篮,竹篮里各装着一个人头。I shouted as I saw the messengers. Theywere carrying a few baskets each, each with a head in the

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伊拉克是一场灾难,增兵是失败的,而且布什在那儿重建国家的努力完全是竹篮打水一场空。Iraq is a disaster, the surge a failure, and Bush’s exercise in nation building a total washout.

安琪准备坐享成功果实,却由于孙浩障碍而竹篮打水一场空。Angie ready to sit enjoy success fruit, but because SunHao obstacles and out the baby with the bath.

赢家用不同的方法赚钱,输家由于冲动而竹篮打水一场空。Winners make money in different ways, while all losers fall into the same wastebasket of impulsivity.