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你看到了弯弯的月亮了吗?You see the moon curved it?

看看像不像一轮弯弯的月牙呢?Look like a curved crescent?

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弯弯的月亮正悬在空中。A sickle moon was in the sky.

但是,仇恨是一个弯弯的刀刃。But hatred is a curved blade.

弯弯的背,像稻穗。She stoops like a rice stalk.

弯弯的山梁,弯弯的溪水。Winding ridge, winding stream.

她那弯弯的背是慢慢形成的。The bent back developed slowly.

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月儿弯弯照九州,几家欢乐几家愁。The moon shines on Kyushu, grad.

脖子我知道,可什么是弯弯的呢?Neck I know, but what is brooked ?

弯弯腰,脚下一片洁净。Bend down and keep the floor clean.

弯弯的是你的眉开。Your arched eyebrows arches finely.

我的儿子琼尼降生时,他的双脚向上弯弯着。My son Joey was born with club feet.

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那抹险些就要消失的微笑重新浮现在弯弯的嘴角上。The breathtaking crooked smile reappeared.

尾巴张开,如剪刀弯弯裁过and open their tails like scissors on the curves

弯弯的河水流啊,流进我的心上。The winding river's running, running into my heart.

他歪扭着脸,露出一个完美的弯弯的微笑。His face twisted up into that perfect crooked smile.

我的心充满惆怅,不为那弯弯的月亮。My heart's full of melancholy, not for the crescent.

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弯弯的小船悠悠,是那童年的阿娇。The crescent boat's floating, a virgin Ah Jiao in it.

那地方尽是弯弯的河水跟绿绿的草原。The place offers meandering rivers and green meadows.

什麽红红像苹果?什麽弯弯像香蕉?What is red like an apple? What is curved like a banana?