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生命短暂,切不可猬琐偏狭。——狄斯累利。Life is short, must not hedgehog intolerance.

只是对不明就里的人而言,这一想法是偏狭的。The idea was outlandish only to the innocent.

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多文化的伦敦战胜了思想偏狭的巴黎。Multi-cultural London triumphed over provincial Paris.

这是典型的英国沙文主义和偏狭心理的事例。It was a typical case of British chauvinism and insularity.

偏狭小气,机会便少了,世界也小了。Intolerance stingy, opportunity is less, the world is small.

那时我才意识到之前的观念是多么偏狭。It wasn't until then that I realized how close-minded I had been.

很多人可能会认为就经济增长速度一项指标为标准有些偏狭。Growth alone will strike many as too narrow a basis for the choice.

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自私偏狭者以为他能将沧海之水全部舀进自己的池塘。The sectarian thinks that he has the sea ladled into his private pond.

但是当他听说人们认为他很偏狭的时候,他还是感到吃惊和沮丧。But he was surprised and dismayed to hear that people saw him as intolerant.

但是较多的讨论在理论基础上稍显薄弱,而且在视角上略觉偏狭。However, most discusses are somehow weak in theoretical basis, as well as narrow in perspective.

后来这些举措被批为典型的NASA反应——偏狭封闭、鬼祟、过分控制。Later this was taken by some critics to be a typical NASA reaction—insular, furtive, overcontrolling.

好战性从不会被从外部输入而是在社会压力、偏狭、不服管理等因素下从内部发展起来的。Militancy is never imported but developed internally by social stresses, intolerance, mis-governance etc.

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然而,大城市还是能吸引我们,因为它们不像我们离开的那个死气沉沉的小城镇那样偏狭。And yet the city lures us, because it is not "Provincial" like the dead little town we have left behind us.

对于最近瑞典皇家学院贬抑美国作品偏狭无知的评论,格拉斯表示不屑。He was dismissive of recent remarks from the Swedish Academy that American writing is insular and ignorant.

对她来说,崇拜遗迹和偏狭的十字军,很快取代了尔贝特所倡导的理性主义。For her, the worship of relics and intolerant crusaders soon replaced the rationalism championed by Gerbert.

对于非波士顿的美国人来说,绅士派文人不仅势力眼,而且心地偏狭,过于沾沾自喜。To non-Bostonian Americans, the Brathmins have seemed both snobbish and parochial, too pleased with themselves.

“游记是一种了不起的文学体裁”,但对其文体特征的研究既偏狭又薄弱。Travels is an amazing type of literature. Researches on its stylistic features arc weak, biased and narrow-minded.

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它述及的案例是个人,致力于检视生命,力抗,一群顽固及偏狭的民众。It sets the case for the individual committed to the examined life over and against a bigoted and prejudiced multitude.

由于过去人们对它少有熟悉,加之它的价格昂贵,应用范围似乎又太“偏狭”。Because people is rare to it in the past, know, together with its price is high, applied limits appears too " one-track ".

在那些平庸、偏狭、漠不关心、终日懒散在家的美国人眼中,英国演员就是些没有经验的新丁。British actors come without a career hinterland that's discernible to the average, insular, incurious American couch-potato.