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她真是个非常纤小的人儿。She is quite a little creature.

野草正开满着纤小的紫花。The weeds were abloom with tiny purple blossoms.

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野草正开满著纤小的紫花。The weeds were abloom with tiny purple blossoms.

她真是个非常纤小的人儿。Only look at her. She is quite a little creature.

他的纤小而有些孩子气的笔迹在本子上弯弯曲曲地描述着。His small but childish handwriting straggled up and down the page.

进而,这位母亲想到了脆弱、纤小以及生命的美丽。The mother could consider the weakness, smallness and beauty of life.

它黑黑的,小小的,奔走在偌大的办公桌上,愈发地显得单薄和纤小。It is dark, small, and it is more thin and delicate around the huge desk.

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通常,植物是靠一种叫做叶绿体的纤小细胞器完成光合作用的。Usually, plants perform photosynthesis by way of tiny organelles called plastids.

我伸着左掌,掌上立着一只极其纤小的翠鸟。I stretched out my left out, and on the palm I saw that there was a tiny exquisite kingfisher.

果树在阳光下昂扬生长,铺满了青草馨香的纤纤小路,都令他深深迷恋。Fruit trees growing robustly in sun shines, slender paths paving with grass made him infatuated.

她笑声洪亮,象她那样身材纤小而匀称的妇自动堆沙堡挂女有这种笑声是出人意料的。She had a rumbling laugh, unexpected in a woman as small and as carefully put together as she was.

然而这种灰黑相间,外壳呈泪滴形状的纤小果实正因为自身功效而备受瞩目。Yet, these black-striped, tear drop-shaped shells housing grayish seeds are amazing in their own right.

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身形纤小的她看起来比实际年龄还要小,脸色不同寻常地苍白,可她小小的眼睛里却闪烁着光芒。She was petite2 and looked younger than her age, unusually pale but there was some glowing in her small eyes.

中国丝绸精美纤小,价值高昂,利于远程帆船运输。The delicate and expensive Chinese silk fabrics were suitable for ocean-going transportation by sailing boats.

她穿着一袭紧身的蓝衫,带着一个茉莉花环,从纤小的后背到女孩的双腿,她的全身都被汗湿透了。She was wearing a jasmine garland on her tight blue dress, wet with perspiration from the small of her back to her legs.

手工制作及其精细,纤小的鸟儿有水晶制的眼睛,鸟笼还有可动的秋千和可开关的门。Handcrafted with tremendous attention to detail, the tiny bird has crystal eyes, and the cage features a movable swing and door.

为了怕失掉你,我把你紧紧地搂在胸前。是什么魔术把这世界的宝贝引到我这双纤小的手臂里来呢?For fear of losing you I hold you tight to me breast . what magic has snared the world's treasure in there slender arms of mine ?

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他会替鸟儿烦恼,特别是那些纤小的黑色燕鸥,它们四处飞翔,寻寻觅觅却一无所获。He was sorry for the birds, especially the small delicate dark terns that were alawys flying and looking and almost never finding.

他同样擅长扮演匪徒、绅士、杀手和警察,但亲眼见过他的人都震惊地发现梁是那么纤小精致。He's equally adept at playing gangsters, gentlemen, killers and cops, but in person one is stunned at how short and delicate Leung is.

我们全身到手肘那都被酱汁给覆盖了,而我们边上一个纤小的办公室OL不戴手套一小口一小口地咬,一点点污渍都没染上。We get covered in sauce up to the elbows while the dainty little office worker lady next to us nibbles them glove-less and stays spotlessly clean.