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咱们是来解决疑难题目的。We are not ITe to solve problems.

女孩善于处理疑难题目。Women are not good problem-solvers.

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我一生办过很多疑难案件。My life to do a lot of difficult cases.

我想接着刚才的疑难题目讲下去。I will pick up wITe we left off only now.

我们还有很多的疑难杂症。We still have a lot of intractable diseases.

疑难案件是德沃金理论关注的中心。Hard cases are the center of Dworking's theory.

她喜欢解决科学上的疑难问题。She liked solving difficult scientific problems.

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关于客户端安装或配置的疑难解答Troubleshoot client installation or configuration

是有什么疑难事件来请教霍桑的吗?BE have what difficulty affairs to ask Huo mulberry?

听灌音,之后回答以下疑难题目…First listen and then answer the following question.

那个疑难题目不如那个疑难题目难。This question is not abundance diffcult than those one.

他昨晚睡得很少思索着他的疑难。HE’D SLEPT LITTLE LAST night as he pondered his dilemma.

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我们关注于解决疑难杂症。At our core we have focused on solving difficult problems.

这位医生治愈了许多疑难病症。The doctor has cured many difficult and complicated cases.

此示例演示了三个主要疑难问题This example demonstrates the three key problematic issues

1个关键疑难题目是球队在人造草坪上训练时间的长短疑难题目。One key issue is the time the teams spent training on turf.

一没有疑难问,要是如容许以挽救泰洛的话。Without question, if Tirol could be saved by hellos actions.

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请尝试这些疑难解答步骤解决问题。Please try these troubleshooting steps to resolve the problem.

你有什么疑难请打德律风或给我发电子邮件。You can call me or send me E-mail in case there's any problem.

我们的目标是能够诊断像癌症这样的疑难杂症。The goal is to be able to look at complex diseases like cancer.