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她过着放纵不羁的生活。She leads a gay and wild life.

分享你雄强的脉搏,自由不羁。And share the impulse of thy strength.

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真正的艺术家狂放不羁,无拘无束。The true artist lets himself go. He is natural.

真正的艺术家狂放不羁。The True Artist The true artist lets himself go.

原谅我这一生不羁放纵爱自由。Forgive me indulgence uninhibited love life free.

我是不羁和永恒的美丽自然的恋人。I am the lover of uncontained and immortal beauty.

这样狂放不羁的寻欢作乐让赫希三思。These pleasure-seeking bohemians gave Reich pause.

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我在伊顿公学过了三年狂放不羁、频频作恶的生活。My life at Eton lasted for three wild and evil years.

从自由不羁到一本正经,这样的转变实在是太彻底了。The transition from libertine to prig was so complete.

任何荒诞不羁羡煞众生的幻梦。Uninhibited envy of any absurd dreams of living beings.

我喜欢那种浪荡不羁的感觉,喜欢水,喜欢在船上迎风前进。I liked freedom, water and going forward facing against the wind.

当你开始冥想的时候,你将发现意志是那么的狂放不羁。When you start meditating, you will notice how unruly the mind is.

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他可以为已经非常和谐的火箭班底加入一些狂妄不羁的姿态。He can add some swagger and attitude to an awfully nice Rocket squad.

狂野不羁,自由放浪的他,眼睛深邃如大海。Wild and unruly, free Sweet Degeneration of his eyes deep as the sea.

约翰逊的狂妄不羁使他被美国政府盯上了。Johnson’s brazenness put him in the crosshairs of the U.S. government.

谭嗣同喜“为驰骋不羁之文,讲霸王经世之略”。Tan Hi "to ride the unruly text, speaking slightly Overlord statecraft."

而相思的浓度,却如陈年的老酒,时间愈久,愈显不羁的烈性。And Acacia concentration, like old wine, the longer, more unruly spirits.

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城镇中的穷人,我望,倒去去是过着最独立不羁的糊口。The town's poor seem to me often to live the most independent lives of any.

体现了许嵩独当的音乐风格与不羁的性格。Xu Song reflects the unique musical style and uninhibited as the character.

被风吹散的思念,听听个性。卷起不羁的时间。The wind knock backs audio-videoailable the thoughts, rolled up unruly time.