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孙先生有他的专线。Mr. Sun has his own phone.

还有,你们乘专线游览车观光了吗?And have you taken a bus tour?

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售后服务专线电话。Special line of after-sales service.

大公司都有免付费专线,每个…Yeah, every big Utah-based company has one.

上海到焦作专线但是音乐的编排非常复杂。But the musical arrangements can be quite complex.

新,马,泰专线快递业务。Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand Special Line Express.

专线巴士多长时候一班?每非常钟。How often does the shuttle bus run?Every ten minutes.

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专线巴士多长时间一班?每特别很是钟。How often does the shuttle bus run? Every ten minutes.

显然,连专线电话也无法解决“滥用麻醉品”的问题。Clearly, hot lines are no cure for the problem of drug abuse.

你可以坐专线车或坐出租车到攀枝花飞机场。You can take the special-line bus or taxi to PanZhihua airport.

他们还将修筑一些新的道路和一条铁路专线。They will also be building new roads and a special railway line.

我们应该在哪里等去人民广场的专线车?在那里。Where shall we wait for the shuttle bus to Shanghai? Over there.

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本线由鸭脷洲专线小巴有限公司经营。This route is operated by Ap Lei Chau Public Light Bus Co. , Ltd.

我们是何其的幸运乘坐青春的专线,游走在世界的边缘。How lucky we are by youth -only lanes, walk the edge in the world.

这是道琼斯新闻专线关于委员会会议和投票的报道。Here's the Dow Jones Newswires story on the committee meeting and vote.

“我用红色专线给总统打电话,每天向总统做两次汇报。”丹顿说。"I called the president twice a day using the red telephone," Denton said.

据此,提出秦沈客运专线轨道不平顺功率谱质量的评判方法。The evaluation method of PSD for QSDPR was set up on the basis of above work.

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蒸汽养护是高速铁路客运专线大体积箱梁冬季施工的关键环节。Steam curing is a key link of construction of large-volume box beam in winter.

然而,今年已经增加了大量的煤运专线,装机容量也不再是问题了。This year, there are trains galore, and installed capacity is not the problem.

同时我们拥有自己的物流专线深圳至湖南湖北浙江专线。And we have our own logistics lines shenzhen to hunan hubei zhejiang special line.