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莫非NBA老板真的境遇如此不堪?Do NBA owners really have it that bad?

但是人生境遇并非恒常如此。But circumstances are not always pleasant.

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人们一说到贫穷,常常就联想起悲惨的境遇。One usually associates poverty with misery.

那些数以百万计的小牛犊又会是什么样的境遇?What happens to these millions of baby cows?

你应帮他除去他悲惨的境遇。You should help to relieve him from his misery.

记得你的温柔多富有,我不愿改变这境遇当王侯。That then I scorn to change my state with kings.

其继任者拉玛七世境遇则更糟。His successor, Prajadhipok, Rama VII, fared worse.

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他每日做苦工,而毫无改善自己境遇的希望。He drudges daily with no hope of bettering himself.

你擅长找到境遇好笑的一面吗?How are you at finding the funny side of situation?

山木知道不论境遇如何,他都可把家庭作为靠山。Sam knows he can depend on his family, rainorshine.

在你人生中是否有不那么美好的境遇?Are there less-than-ideal circumstances in your life?

她详细地讲述了难民们的悲惨境遇。She spoke at length about the plight of the refugees.

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员工的境遇有时比环境稍好一些。Employees at times fare little better than the environment.

而且你还要经常面临你的表现不被赏识的境遇。As often as not, you'll be unrecognized for your performance.

罗伯森·麦奎尔金二十年前也有过同样的境遇。Robertson McQuilkin faced a similar situation two decades ago.

就像实验室中的老鼠,我们不停敲击“enter”键以体验下一个境遇。Like the lab rats, we keep hitting "enter" to get our next fix.

无论身在何处,境遇如何,我永远爱你,上帝保佑!Wherever I am , however I am , I always love you . Deo Gratias!

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有的人被贫穷所迫、被境遇所压。Some were ground miserably by poverty, inhibited by their fates.

但当地人认为,梅花拳能改善他们的境遇。But locals reckon that Plum Flower Boxing could give them a boost.

许多学生的境遇都和曹立元、唐尧相仿。Many students encounter situations similar to those of Cao and Tang.