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还有一个机电市场。There are an electromechanical market.

我公司进行机电专业施工图深化设计。M&E deepen design finshed by our institute.

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时间磨练的是我们的机电厂品。Tempering time for our electromechanical producte.

门市部设在六里桥天云五金机电城内。Liu Liqiao days shops in the city-Hardware & Electrical.

该机是机电气一体化程序控制。This machine was electromechanical-pneumatic-controlled.

上海市中锐机电设备有限公司。Shanghai Zhongrui Mechanical Electric Equipment Co. , Ltd.

欢迎访问扬州大学机电研究所!Welcome to Mechatronics Institute of YangZhou university !

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机电工业是我国的支柱行业。Mechano-electronic industry is the first backbone of China.

我爸爸在一家工厂工作。他是个机电工程师。My father works in a factory. He is an electrical engineer.

励磁机电感参数由二维有限元法算得。The inductances of exciter are calculated by 2D FEM method.

您好!欢迎进入成都德赛斯特机电有限公司网站…Hello! Welcome To Dsst-Electromechanical Co. , Ltd Web Sit !

动力机械、机械工程或机电工程等相关专业,大学专科及以上学历。College at least in major of mechanical engineering or related.

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对于分模块的机电专业来说。For the sub-module for the electrical and mechanical expertise.

分析了公司原有一台开榫机电气控制线路的设计缺陷。The circuit defects of the tenoner in our company were analyzed.

上海市普陀区真南路机电城1370号。South Road, Putuo District, Shanghai City Electrical 1370 number.

实行机电一体,采用触模键及屏幕显示。The mech -electrical equipment uses touch key and screen display.

该项改进对本电站机电设备的安全运行起到了一定作用。This improvment takes an effect on safety operation of the units.

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机电或工程类相关专业,本科以上学历。University degree in mechanical electrical engineering or relative.

投资类机电产品有升有降。Electromechanical products of an investment nature had ups and downs.

多数实验方法都使用某种机电换能器。Most laboratory methods use some type of electromechanical transducers.