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蘑菇云在蓝天下消散了。The cloud was dissipating in the blue sky.

因为我们曾听说每个蘑菇云过后。Because we've heard it said that every mushroom cloud.

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这让人一见难忘的设计看起来就像原子弹爆炸后的蘑菇云。Memorable table lamp designed to look like a Mushroom Cloud.

炸的蘑菇云再度笼罩在沙漠的上空。The mushroom cloud of the a-bomb hang over the desert again.

一团巨大的蘑菇云直冲云霄,越滚越大。From the mountain a giant mushroom cloud billowed into the sky.

突来一阵狂风,白蘑菇云一点点地被乌云“吞并”了,黑压压的。Sudden gust the mushroom cloud, a little black cloud" annex", black.

你只需要看看他的摩托车上升起的蘑菇云就明白了。You need look no further than the mushroom cloud mounted on his motorbike.

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我转过身来,看见一英里远的地方升起白色的蘑菇云。I turned around and watched a white mushroom cloud rise up about a mile away.

当天空腾起蘑菇云时,这也意味着氢弹试爆成功了!The appearance of the mushroom cloud signifies the success of the H-bomb test.

一朵核爆蘑菇云出现在本书精美的封面上,引申出强大的科学力量。The bomb that graces the cover of the book has come to stand for the power of science.

士兵跨上马背,奔向蘑菇云,他们的保护措施只有单薄的防毒面具。Soldiers galloped on horseback towards mushroom clouds with only gas masks for protection.

随着降落伞从飞机中掉下来,一阵巨大的响声和一朵蘑菇云随后而来。A parachute ejected from the craft, followed by a loud explosion and a mushroom-shaped cloud.

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900公里以外的窗子都被震碎了,地上升起了64公里的蘑菇云。Windows were broken 900 kilometres away, and the mushroom cloud rose 64 kilometres above the ground.

火球和蘑菇云将放射性粒子推到上空,然后风将它们吹送到附近及远处。The fireball and mushroom cloud carry radioactive particles upward, and the wind sends them near and far.

那澎湃卷涌的蘑菇云会遮天蔽日,冲破万物,直上云霄。That surging volumes will be crowded in upon Chung's mushroom cloud, breaking things, straight to the sky.

如果爆炸在靠近地面的地方发生,地表数以百万的,受热蒸发的尘粒也会吸入蘑菇云中。When a blast occurs near the earth’s surface, millions of vaporized dirt particles also are drawn into the cloud.

似乎有时候,蘑菇云已经几乎成了日本电影公司制作的战争电影中不可缺少的镜头。Mushroom clouds, it sometimes seems, have become all but mandatory in the war films made by the established Japanese studios.

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这是因为核爆产生的大量的热能会把空气往上吸入,形成令人熟知的蘑菇云状。This is because the tremendous heat produced from a nuclear blast causes an up-draft of air that forms the familiar mushroom cloud.

火球的上升运动和冷却过程共同形成了标志性的蘑菇云。The combination of the upward movement and the cooling of the fireball gives rise to the formation of the characteristic mushroom-shaped cloud.

“常春藤行动”的第一枚炸弹爆炸时升起的蘑菇云,该行动是指在太平洋马歇尔岛实验基地上进行的一系列核爆炸试验。a mushroom cloud rises from "Mike, " the first blast from the "Operation Ivy" series of tests at the Pacific Proving Grounds, Marshall Islands.