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这篇报道起了振聋发聩的作用。This report had an enlightening effect.

黄钟大吕,振聋发聩!Big of yellow clock, flap the deaf hair !

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第三,庄子对技术的见解令人有振聋发聩之感。Thirdly, Zhuangzi' s view about technique makes people now awaken.

尽管它缺乏振聋发聩的启示,但是这份日记仍然是有益的。Yet despite its absence of startling revelations, the diary is useful.

当一个女人有千言万语要说但默默无语时,她的沉默振聋发聩。When a woman who has much to say says nothing, her silence can be deafening.

首先,我要感谢所有代表和嘉宾,感谢他们振聋发聩的演讲。First, I would like to thank all speakers and panelists, for the enlightening speeches.

高科技非理性扩张的警醒虽然振聋发聩,但的确值得严重关切。The irrational expansion of high-tech alert while enlightening, but it does deserve for serious concern.

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我们攻陷大本营的那天是激烈战斗的一天,枪炮声如此振聋发聩以至于你无法听清对方的名字。The day we broke into the compound was a day of intense fighting, so loud you couldn't hear each other's names.

杰拉德抓起架子上的一只弯曲的大海螺壳,没跟任何人打招呼就吹出了振聋发聩的一声。The latter took up a large curved conch shell that lay on a shelf and without reference to anybody blew a shattering blast.

内心的启示会逐渐变得清晰,最终用振聋发聩的声音告诉你,在人生的道路上所必须承受的风险。Eventually silence becomes so "loud" that it practically shouts at you with the risks you need to take to further your life.

他们往往变得更加富有同情心,有忍耐心和爱心,对周围的人会产生振聋发聩的影响。These people are usually more compassionate, tolerant and caring and this usually has a knock on effect to those around them.

在儿子不幸遇难之后,凯西·艾登正是靠着温斯顿·丘吉尔这句振聋发聩的口号支撑下来的。These strong words by Winston Churchill became part of a mantra that helped to sustain Kathy Eldon after her son's tragic death.

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虽然他当年在母亲那儿得到的只是无声的援助,但这其实是一个伟大的母亲奉献给儿子的最振聋发聩的喝彩!Although the assistance he got from his mother was silent, factually that was a great mother's most resounding applause for her son.

正是这种悖谬赋予了作品更复杂、更含蓄的暗示性,从而创造了振聋发聩的警世意义和通往真理的可能性。It is the paradox that gives his writing more complicated and implicit hints, signals a warning to the world and indicates a gateway to truth.

保持身手——锻炼你的写作肌肉,练得越多提高越多.评论应该短小精悍、一针见血、振聋发聩.写评论是锻炼写作技巧的绝佳方式.Keep Match Fit – Exercise your writing muscles, the more your practice the more you improve. Comments should be short, fast, to the point and make an impact.

在金融危机继续蔓延,公众信心莫名萎缩的这个冬天,呼唤青年创业的声音显得振聋发聩。In the financial crisis continues to spread, public confidence nameless shrinking this winter, calls for the voice of youth entrepreneurship seem enlightening.

金属相互撞击声振聋发聩,木屑唰唰的飞过我的头顶,这个又小又脏的屋子的温度似乎正在上升。The sound is deafening as metal strikes metal, battering my eardrums.Wood chips whizz past my head and the temperature seems to be rising in this small and dusty workshop.

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秦观在重大政治关头曾写过一些讽刺诗,数量虽少,但却振聋发聩,令人耳目一新,使人看到他在静穆之中又有着金刚怒目式的抗争。During vital political moments, Qin Guan wrote some pasquinades, which are few in quantity but so striking that one can see his intense defiance underneath his tranquility.

金属相互撞击声振聋发聩,木屑唰唰的飞过我的头顶,这个又小又脏的屋子的温度似乎正在上升。The sound is deafening as metal strikes metal, battering my eardrums. Wood chips whizz past my head and the temperature seems to be rising in this small and dusty workshop.

这真是振聋发聩、极具创新的领导理念,展现出迈向全球化的巨大决心以及对中国市场在公司业务发展中重要地位的清醒认识。Now that is impressive, innovative leadership showing tremendous commitment to going global and recognition of China's importance to this major company's business development.