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我都不知道我有啥魅力。I didnt know I had charm.

唐生真的是一个很有魅力的人。So love is made of scars!

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谁能抵挡这条鱼的魅力?Who can resist this fish?

这种魅力是无法抵御的。The charm is irresistible.

这座宫殿具有一种特殊的魅力。The palace is beglamoured.

魅力是一种危险的武器。Charm is a dangerous weapon.

这条裙子使她增添了魅力。The skirt lends charm to her.

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她有沉鱼落雁的魅力!She has an irresistible charm.

该豁免DC基于魅力。The save DC is Charisma-based.

艺术,来源于小鸟般的鸣叫。太有魅力了。Art, from a tweet. Fascinating.

玛丽比明迪更有魅力。Mary has more charm than Mindy.

那个高大的演员是个有性感魅力的男人。That tall actor is a dishy man.

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它充满了魅力和缺陷美。it has charm and imperfections.

我觉得他和蔼可亲,富有魅力。I found his amiability charming.

这正是我们的公园所具有的魅力。This isthe power our parks have.

但是他说,这正是他魅力所在。But that, he says, is his appeal.

胡里是充满魅力的王国。Foxy is full of charming kingdom.

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岂知你崇高的正弦魅力乎?Of thy supernal sinusoidal spell?

他很有魅力是吗宝贝?He has that charisma, right, mami?

她的魅力使观众着了迷。Her charm bedazzled the audiences.