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安有两个弟弟。Ann has two brothers.

我有一个弟弟,名叫汤姆。I have a brother, Tom.

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多亏我那好心好意的弟弟!My good, kind brother!

刘刚是她的弟弟。Liu Gang is her brother.

你弟弟做娈童?You brother a catamite ?

亲爱的弟弟,我好想你!Dear brother, I miss you!

我有一个脾气暴躁的弟弟。I have a peevish brother.

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我有一个弟弟。I have a younger brother.

郭鹏是你的弟弟吗?Is Guo Peng your brother?

我弟弟是个瘦子。My brother is a thin man.

她的弟弟是个高个子男生。Her brother is a tall boy.

那是你双胞胎弟弟吗?Is that your twin brother?

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弟弟喜爱滑滑梯。My brother likes to slide.

我但愿你是我的弟弟。I wish you were my brother.

他是玛丽的弟弟。He is Marys younger brother.

我的弟弟把我的手表搞掉了。My brother has lost my watch.

她嫁给了弟弟列弗。She marries Lev, the younger.

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你知道我有一个弟弟吗,马非?You know my brother, Matthew?

“我的弟弟,”他说,“我的*,住进了888号监狱!”little brother,in prison 888!

“对不起,”售货员说,“我们只赠给每个孩子一只气球,你家里有弟弟吗?”Do you have a brother at home?